Using a Template as the Base for Custom Settings

You can attach a template to an OCI instance, then modify the settings from the template as a quick way to create custom settings that are similar to the template settings.


  • You must have an OCI instance registered in Oracle CASB Cloud Service. See Adding an OCI Instance.

  • You must have created an OCI security control template in Oracle CASB Cloud Service. See Creating a Template.

  1. Select Applications from the Navigation menu. If the Navigation Menu is not displayed, click the Navigation Menu icon Image of the Navigation Menu icon. to display it.
    • In card view, click the icon for the instance that you want to modify, and then in the Health Summary, select ModifyUpdate security control baseline.

    • In grid view, drop down the Action list for the instance you want to modify and select Update security control baseline.


    Alternatively, from the Dashboard or the Applications page, you can select Add/Modify App, Modify an app instance, Update security control baseline, and then select the application instance you want to modify and click Next.

  2. Drop down the Template list at the top of the page.
  3. Select the template you wish to use as the basis for custom settings.

    The security control settings from the selected template now appear in all the security controls for the OCI instance, except for those in the Exception sections.

  4. Drop down the Template list at the top of the page and select Custom.
  5. Make any changes you wish to in the security control settings from the template, to get exactly what you want in the custom settings for the OCI instance .
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look at the prompt under the Confirmation heading.

    The prompt should say, "Use the new threshold values."

  7. When you have verified the confirmation prompt, select Use the new threshold values and click Submit.

The OCI instance now will always use the custom security control settings that you created from the template, with whatever modifications you made.