Content Operations: Channels

Service administrators can view content metrics for all channels or for a specific channel. Repository administrators can view content metrics for any channel in which they have the Manager role. A content contributor can view content metrics for any channel in which they have the Contributor role.

To display metrics for a specific channel, enter the channel name in the search box at the top of the Content page.

The following table describes the content metrics for channels.

Metric Description
Channels The number of channels, which can be filtered by repository and channel.
Published Assets The number of published assets in all or a specified channel, which can be filtered by repository.
Pending Assets The number of pending assets in Draft, In Review, Approved, or In Translation state, which have not yet been published to the specified channel(s) or rejected. This can be filtered by repository.
Rejected Assets The number of assets rejected and although targeted, have not been published to the specified channel(s). This can be filtered by repository.
Total Assets The total number of assets in all or a specified channel, which can be filtered by repository.
Published Assets by Age A bar chart that shows how long ago the assets were published, in all or a specified channel, which can be filtered by repository.
Assets Published A bar chart of assets published over time, in all or a specified channel, which can be filtered by repository.
Assets by Content Type and Status A bar chart that shows the number of assets for each content type in all or a specified channel, which can be filtered by repository. Blue is for published assets, green is for pending assets, and gold is for rejected assets. This can be filtered by repository.
Top Channels A list of the top channels, with channel names and the number of published, pending, rejected, and total assets in each channel. This can be filtered by repository.
Assets by Translation A list of languages for translations, with the number of published, pending, rejected, and total assets for each language in all or a specified channel. This can be filtered by repository.