Content Operations: Repositories

Service administrators can view content metrics for all repositories or for a specific repository. Repository administrators can view content metrics for any repository in which they have the Manager role. A content contributor can view content metrics for any repository in which they have the Contributor role.

To display metrics for a specific repository, enter the repository name in the search box at the top of the Content Operations page.

The following table describes the content metrics for repositories.

Metric Description
Repositories The number of repositories.
Collections The number of collections in all or a specified repository.
Assets The number of assets in all or a specified repository.
Channels The number of channels in all or a specified repository.
Contributors The number of contributors in all or a specified repository.
Total Repository Size (MB) The size of all repositories or the selected repository over time, in megabytes, with a bar chart showing the total size of digital assets in blue and the total size of content items in green.
Assets Added The number of assets added over time (default 30 days), in a line chart, with blue for digital assets and green for content items.
Assets by Content Type The top 10 types by number of assets are shown in a bar chart.. The 11th and further ones are bundled together under "Other".
Repositories list The name of each repository followed by its number of assets, number of collections, number of channels, and number of contributors.
Top Contributors The user names of top contributors, and the number of assets added by each contributor for all time, the last 30 days, the current year, or a specified month.