Debug Proxy Service Endpoints

You can quickly test a proxy service endpoint without writing any test code. This can be a valuable tool to see how requests and responses are handled between your web browser, the proxy service, and the target URI of the endpoint.

  1. After defining the endpoint, test it by clicking Save and Debug.

    Alternatively, in the list of endpoints, click Debug icon next to the endpoint you want to debug.

    At the top of the Debug Endpoint section, you see the URI mapping, which shows how the endpoint’s local path name is mapped to the target URI of the endpoint. Both the local path and the target URI are links so you can make sure they are pointing to the correct locations.

  2. Optionally, enter a user name and password and additional headers to use for the test request. These credentials will be used in lieu of any credential already set on the endpoint. This enables you to test or verify the use of credentials without making them available to all users of the endpoint.

  3. Optionally, enter additional headers to use for the test request. Enter one header per line, using the standard format Name: Value. For example: Content-Type: application/json.

  4. Select an HTTP method, then provide a complete path for the request.

    If you select POST or PUT, in the Data box, enter the content which should be sent in the POST or PUT request body.

  5. Click Submit Request.

  6. In the Debug Result section, expand the panels to see the detailed results:

    • Browser Request to Proxy: Displays the HTTP request headers and body sent by the web browser to the proxy service.

    • Proxy Request to Endpoint: Displays the HTTP request headers and body sent by the proxy service to the target URI of the endpoint. If the endpoint uses a credential, an authorization header is inserted in the request, but the header value isn’t shown in the debug results.

    • Endpoint Response to Proxy: Displays the HTTP response headers and body sent by the target URI of the endpoint back to the proxy service.

    • Proxy Response to the Browser: Displays the HTTP response headers sent by the proxy service back to the web browser. If the target URI of the endpoint doesn’t return CORS headers, the proxy service inserts them in its response to the browser.

  7. If necessary, change the debug request and submit the request again.


    The old debug results are overwritten with the new results.
  8. When you’re satisfied with the result, click Close.