Map a Site URL

Once a site is created and published using Oracle Content and Experience Cloud, you can configure the Domain Name System (DNS) so that this site is accessible with a registered domain name, such as

A Domain Name System (DNS) specifies where someone can find your web pages by mapping your domain name to your site’s location, or canonical name (CNAME).

To map your domain name, you’ll need the following:
  • The URL of your Oracle Content and Experience Cloud instance. It’s typically of the form:

  • The domain name as registered by your domain name registrar.

    For example, It could also be a sub-domain such as

  • An account with a content delivery network (CDN) provider, such as Akamai.

Different Domain Name System providers have different interfaces and different steps for updating a CNAME record. The steps below provide the information you’ll need and the general steps to follow.

To map the site URL to a domain name:

  1. Request a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate from your content delivery network provider for the domain. For example,
  2. Configure the content delivery network so that:
    1. The content delivery network accepts all incoming requests to the domain and forwards them using secure protocol (https).
    2. The origin points to the domain from Oracle Content and Experience Cloud:
  3. Change the DNS server zone file to map the domain name to the edge server provided by the content delivery network provider:
    domain CNAME CDN Server
  4. Wait for the update to propagate. Depending on your DNS service, this can take anywhere from 2 to 48 hours.
    After the change is propagated, you can access the site using your domain name. For example:

By default, the endpoint for the Oracle Cloud REST API for Content Management is available if you use the standard URL provided for the site. Folder and file list components, for example, use the REST API to perform folder and file operations. If you use a custom URL, verify that you have access to the endpoint with your domain name. For example: