Map Your Source Content to Oracle Content Management Asset Features

Depending on your data source, you have different data structure to map to Oracle Content Management asset features:

Oracle WebCenter Content

Map your Oracle WebCenter Content data structure and security to Oracle Content Management asset structure:

Oracle WebCenter Content Data Structure Oracle Content Management Asset Structure
Security groups and accounts Repositories and granular permissions

Create repositories with granular permissions that map to the security groups and accounts.

You can grant users permissions to assets by assigning roles in the repository, but you can further refine access through granular permissions based on asset type and taxonomy category. You can apply granular permissions consistently by saving them as editorial roles.

After creating your asset types and taxonomies, create editorial roles corresponding to the accounts and permissions. Then create corresponding groups for each editorial role, and add the appropriate users to the groups.

Document types Asset types

Create asset types corresponding to document types for each department. Each asset type must include:

  • All file extensions of the files you want to migrate
  • Fields for any metadata you want to migrate from the source files

When you complete the questionnaire supplied by Oracle Support, you'll map the source metadata fields from Oracle WebCenter Content to the fields in the asset type. The source field name in the mapping must include the metadata group name, followed by a dot ("."), and then the metadata field name (for example, Contract_Provider.Email_Address).

You can also use the following system values for the field mappings in the questionnaire:

  • FILEID—The original unique identifier of the document.
  • FOLDERNAME—The name of the folder in which the document resides; this is a single folder name, not the full path.
  • CREATEDATE—The original creation date of the document.
Hierarchical accounts and folders Taxonomies

Create taxonomies corresponding to the hierarchical accounts based on department, country and security levels. Create additional taxonomies corresponding to the hierarchical folder structure of your source content.

Each asset can be a member of multiple taxonomies. Taxonomies are built out during migration based on custom metadata fields, system values, folder paths, or static values. They can have hierarchical levels based on fields such as "State", "County", and "City". The folder path can also be used to build hierarchical levels in a taxonomy.

There are two special functions that can be used in the taxonomies. The “year()” function will extract the year portion of date so it can be used as a category value. The “month()” function similarly will provide the month of a date field. These functions can only be used on date type fields (whether custom or system fields).

For example, you could specify a taxonomy sequence like this:
  • Taxonomy Name: Months
  • Level 1: year(CREATEDATE)
  • Level 2: month (CREATEDATE)

External Content Management System

Map your source data structure and security to Oracle Content Management asset structure:

Source Data Structure Oracle Content Management Asset Structure
Folders and file structure Repositories to store the content and taxonomies to structure the categorical hierarchies
Categorization and hierarchies Taxonomies to categorize your content. Each asset can be a member of multiple taxonomies. Taxonomies are built out during migration based on static values, custom metadata fields, system values, or folder paths. They can have hierarchical levels such as "State", "County", and "City".

There are two special functions that can be used in the taxonomies. The “year()” function will extract the year portion of date so it can be used as a category value. The “month()” function similarly will provide the month of a date field. These functions can only be used on date type fields (whether custom or system fields).

For example, you could specify a taxonomy sequence like this:
  • Taxonomy Name: Months
  • Level 1: year(CREATEDATE)
  • Level 2: month (CREATEDATE)
File types Asset types, which must include:
  • All file extensions of the files you want to migrate
  • Fields for any metadata you want to include from the documents. This can include custom metadata or the following system values:
    • FILEID—The original unique identifier of the document.
    • FOLDERNAME—The name of the folder in which the document resides; this is a single folder name, not the full path.
    • CREATEDATE—The original creation date of the document.
Groups Groups
Roles Application roles, repository roles, and granular security

Documents Folders

Map your source Documents folder structure and security to Oracle Content Management asset features:

Source Documents Folder Structure Oracle Content Management Asset Structure
Folder Repository

You must create a repository to store all the files from the source Documents folder.

File types (extensions) Extensions associated with the asset type

You can use the out-of-the-box File asset type, which accepts all file types, or you can create a custom asset type. If you create a custom asset type, it must include all file extensions of the files you want to migrate. Any files of a type not explicitly listed in the asset type will be rejected by the migration.

File metadata (for field values) Fields in the asset type

You can use the out-of-the-box File asset type, or you can create a custom asset type if you want to store custom metadata.

If you create a custom asset type, it must include fields for any custom metadata you want to migrate from the source files. The custom metadata comes from the metadata groups you applied to the Documents folder.

When you complete the questionnaire supplied by Oracle Support, you'll map the source metadata fields from Documents to the fields in the asset type. The source field name in the mapping must include the metadata group name, followed by a dot ("."), and then the metadata field name (for example, Contract_Provider.Email_Address).

You can also use the following system values for the field mappings in the questionnaire:

  • FILEID—The original unique identifier of the document.
  • FOLDERNAME—The name of the folder in which the document resides; this is a single folder name, not the full path.
  • CREATEDATE—The original creation date of the document.
File metadata and folder path (for categorization) Taxonomies

Each asset can be a member of multiple taxonomies. Taxonomies are built out during migration based on custom metadata fields, system values, folder paths, or static values. They can have hierarchical levels based on fields such as "State", "County", and "City". The folder path can also be used to build hierarchical levels in a taxonomy.

You create the taxonomy but don't add any categories to it. The categories will be created during migration.

There are two special functions that can be used in the taxonomies. The “year()” function will extract the year portion of date so it can be used as a category value. The “month()” function similarly will provide the month of a date field. These functions can only be used on date type fields (whether custom or system fields).

For example, you could specify a taxonomy sequence like this:
  • Taxonomy Name: Months
  • Level 1: year(CREATEDATE)
  • Level 2: month(CREATEDATE)
Folder role Repository role
  • Users with the Manager role for the Documents folder will be given the Manager role for the repository.
  • Users with the Contributor role for the Documents folder will be given the Contributor role for the repository.
  • Users with the Downloader or Viewer role for the Documents folder will be given the Viewer role for the repository.