Run Reports

You can view reports on your users and documents usage to help you understand how your system is being used.

  1. After you sign in to the Oracle Content and Experience Cloud web application as an administrator, click Analytics in the navigation menu.

  2. In the Analytics menu, click Reports and Metrics.

  3. Select a report:

    • User List: Shows basic system information about each user in the Oracle Content and Experience Cloud instance. The report is displayed in order by user ID (email address).

      • User ID—The system-assigned numerical ID for the user. This is the user's unique identifier within the system, of the form /ServiceRoot/GUID/ In the user interface these are decoded to the user's name, but the exported report doesn't show the user's name.

      • User—The user name, typically the email address.

      • User Name—The user’s display name.

      • Enabled—Indicates whether the user is enabled (T) or disabled (F) on the system.

      • Service Administrator—Indicates the roles for the user. T means the user is assigned the role. F means the user isn’t assigned the role. If all user role entries are F, the user is an Employee without any additional roles.

    • User Logins by Device Type: Shows each user and the number of logins using each client/device. The report is displayed in user name order.

    • Documents Usage Log: Shows the following information about the documents in your system, within the last three months:

      • Activity—The type of activity performed (upload, view, download, delete).

      • Activity Date—The date the activity occurred.

      • User—The user that performed the activity.

      • Type—The target of the activity (file or folder).

      • Name—The name of the file or folder.

      • GUID—The unique identifier of the file or folder.

      • Folder Name—The name of the parent folder.

      • File Size—The size of the file, in megabytes.

      Columns are all sortable when downloading CSV to Excel. For the onscreen report, it is sorted by activity date in descending order (most recent activity at the top). No other field is sortable on the screen.

    Click Export chart data icon on any report to export the data as a CSV file.

    The reports are based on the entire history of your Oracle Content and Experience Cloud instance, except for Documents Usage Log, which is based on the last three months of activity.