Set Virus Scanning Options

You can choose what kind of virus scanning will be performed on the content uploaded to your service.

  1. After you sign in to the Oracle Content and Experience Cloud web application as an administrator, click Settings in the Administration area of the navigation menu.

  2. In the Settings menu, click Documents.

  3. To run a virus scan on files during upload, under File Restrictions, enable Scan all files upon upload. Infected files are rejected.

  4. If you enabled virus scanning, and you don’t want users to be able to upload files that can’t be checked for viruses, such as password-protected PDF files, enable Reject file types that can’t be scanned.

Virus scanning can fail in the following cases, and files will be marked as infected:

  • If a file (such as a zip file) contains folders that have a folder depth exceeding 10 levels.

  • If a file that contains other files takes longer than 3 minutes to scan.

  • If a single file inside a containing file is larger than 100 MB.

If you want to allow these kinds of files to upload, you must disable rejecting files that can’t be scanned.


If a file doesn’t pass virus scanning, it can’t be downloaded through a public link.

If you disable or limit the virus scan, it’s at your own risk, and you bear all liability for any resulting damages. If you allow unscanned files to be uploaded, it might create risk to you or other users. While the Oracle Content and Experience Cloud interface will mark files that have not been scanned, this visual indicator will not be available in all interfaces, and users might not have any notice that one or more files were not virus scanned.