View Business Metrics


This page is currently unavailable if you have a Universal Credits subscription.

The Business Metrics page in the Infrastructure Classic Console displays detailed information about your service. Use the metrics to better understand how much your service is being used and whether you need to change storage allocations.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Cloud as the cloud account administrator. You can find your account name and login information in your welcome email.
  2. In the dashboard, next to your service, click More menu icon, and select View Details.
  3. Click Business Metrics. The Business Metrics page includes two sections: Business Metrics and Latest Business Metrics.

Business Metrics

Under Business Metrics, select the instance for which you want to see metrics, and select the metric you want to see.

Metric Description
Total Documents Uploaded (last day) Displays the number of documents uploaded in the last 24 hour period.
Total Documents Downloaded (last day) Displays the number of documents download in the last 24 hour period.
Total Documents (All Revisions) Displays the total number of documents, including all revisions, that are stored in this instance. For example, if you have 100 documents, each with 3 revisions, the Total Documents (All Revisions) value would be 300.
Total Documents (Latest Revisions) Displays the total number of documents (regardless of revisions) that are stored in this instance. Using the same example as above, if you have 100 documents, each with 3 revisions, the Total Documents (Latest Revisions) value would be 100.
User Requests (last day) Displays the number of user requests made to Oracle Content Management in the last 24 hour period, typically through the web client. Browsing Oracle Content Management counts as a user request even if the user doesn’t download anything.

You can perform the following additional actions:

  • To add another metric to the table, click Add Metric, then select the instance and metric you want to add.
  • To limit the data to a specific period by entering dates in the FROM and TO boxes.
  • To see the data in a table format, click Show Table.
  • To save a copy of the data as a .csv file, click Export.

Latest Business Metrics

Under Latest Business Metrics, select the instance for which you want to see metrics.

Metric Description
Used Sites Interactions Displays the number of interactions users have had with this instance. An interaction is defined as a unique user visiting the instance through a unique method (Firefox web browser, Chrome web browser, mobile web browser, etc.) in a 24 hour period.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Documents Cloud subscription.

Allocated Content and Experience Daily Visitor Sessions Displays the number of daily visitor sessions allocated to this instance. See Understand Visitor Sessions.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Content Management subscription.

Used Content and Experience Daily Visitor Sessions Displays the number of daily visitor sessions used in this instance. See Understand Visitor Sessions.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Content Management subscription.

Sites Created Displays the number of sites created in this instance.
Sites Active Displays the number of sites that are online and served by this instance.
Bandwidth Consumed (MB) Displays the network bandwidth (in MB) used to serve sites pages.
Allocated Storage (GB) Displays the amount of storage (in GB) that has been allocated to this instance.
Used Storage (GB) Displays the amount of storage (in GB) that have been used in this instance.
Provisioned Documents Users Displays the number of users that have been provisioned in this instance.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Documents Cloud subscription.

Provisioned Content and Experience Standard Users Displays the number of standard users that have been provisioned in this instance.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Content Management subscription.

Provisioned Content and Experience Enterprise Users Displays the number of enterprise users that have been provisioned in this instance.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Content Management subscription.

Documents Users in Use Displays the total days that all users have been signed in to this instance. For example, if you had 110 users that signed in for 2 hours each day, the Purchased Documents Users value for the day would be 9.166; for the month it would be 275.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Documents Cloud subscription.

Content and Experience Standard Users in Use Displays the total days that all standard users have been signed in to this instance. For example, if you had 75 standard users that signed in for 5 hours each day, the Purchased Content and Experience Standard Users value for the day would be 15.625; for the month it would be 468.75.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Content Management subscription.

Content and Experience Enterprise Users in Use Displays the total days that all enterprise users have been signed in to this instance. For example, if you had 25 enterprise users that signed in for 3 hours each day, the Purchased Content and Experience Enterprise Users value for the day would be 3.125; for the month it would be 93.75.

This metric applies only if you have an Oracle Content Management subscription.