Add, Edit, or Delete Batch Statuses

The batch status feature enables you to assign statuses to batches. When you add a status to a procedure, the status can be assigned to batches in profiles and processor jobs. You can also edit the status any time after you've created it. Keep in mind that changes that you make to a batch status are applied throughout a procedure. If you delete a batch status, it is no longer available in client profiles, processors, and for users to assign to batches.

You can use batch statuses in these ways:
  • In a client profile, you can assign a default status that gets assigned to batches when they are created. See About Client Profiles.

  • Client users can change a batch status, selecting from the available statuses, or search for batches based on their status.

  • Some batch processors can change batch statuses after successful or failed processing.

  • Batch status can be output as metadata upon commit.

To configure a batch status:

  1. In the procedures pane on the left, select your procedure.

    The configuration pages for the selected procedure are displayed on the right.

  2. Open the Classification tab of your procedure.
  3. In the Batch Statuses table, click Create a new batch status.
  4. In the Add/Edit Status dialog, enter a meaningful name for the status and click OK.

    The new status is displayed in the Batch Statuses table.

    To delete a batch status, select it in the Batch Statuses table and click Delete batch status.