23 Capture Files from a Monitored Email Account

You can create an import job using an email account as the source from which incoming email messages are captured and imported into Oracle Content Management. Each imported email message is treated as a batch, and its attachments and message body become separate documents within the batch. In the import job, you can specify the inbox folders that the import processor should monitor, configure message filters, specify the attachment file types that the processor should include in the batches, and specify how the message elements such as email address, date and time, subject should be handled. You can also choose the order in which different types of files should be processed.

Let's consider a scenario where employees scan their expense reports on multifunctional devices. Each expense report is converted into a PDF document, attached to an email message, and the email is delivered to an expenses inbox monitored by the import processor. The import processor, following the configuration settings in the import job, processes these email messages and their attachments.

You can create an email import job by performing the steps described in Configure Email Message and Email Attachment Importing.