Class AssetSearchResult

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AssetSearchResult extends PaginatedListResult<Asset>
Content search response from delivery SDK for SearchAssetsRequest
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AssetSearchResult

      public AssetSearchResult()
  • Method Details

    • deserializeObject

      protected Asset deserializeObject( jsonElement)
      Description copied from class: PaginatedListResult
      Override to deserialize the list objects
      Specified by:
      deserializeObject in class PaginatedListResult<Asset>
      jsonElement - element
      object deserialized
    • getContentItems

      public List<ContentItem> getContentItems()
      Get the list of deserialized list of items from the response as a list of ContentItem objects, so this will filter out any digital assets
      List of content item objects
    • getDigitalAssets

      public List<DigitalAsset> getDigitalAssets()
      Get the list of deserialized list of items from the response as a list of DigitalAsset objects, so this will filter out any content items
      List of digital assets objects