Create Localization Policies

You must have the repository administrator role to create localization policies. These policies define if a translation will be required and if so, what the required languages are for assets and any optional languages that might be used.

Localization policies are the translation rules applied to any text assets in a repository. These policies don’t apply to digital assets such as images. That content is classified as non-translatable when it’s uploaded. But content items can have multiple translated versions associated with the original item, which is considered the master copy.

When an item is localized, a copy of the item is made for the language. For example, there may be a blog post about the newest Android tablet that is translated into French and Spanish with the master copy in English. Each version of the blog post exists as a separate entity. It can be edited as needed and can be at a different stage of asset lifecycle than the others. The French version can be in review, for example, while the Spanish version is published. There may be two or three content versions of the post, each of which can be translated and have a different status applied to it.

The simplest way to check the status of a particular translation version is to view the item in the asset repository. See Sort and Filter Assets for details.

Creating a Localization Policy

To create a localization policy:

  1. Sign in as a repository administrator in your browser and click Assets under Administration in the left navigation menu.

  2. Choose Localization Policies from the drop-down list and then click Create.

  3. Enter a name for the policy. Don’t use special characters in the name.

  4. Enter an optional description for the policy.

  5. Choose the required languages for this policy from the drop-down list. To deselect a language, click the X. You can type part of the language name and results are shown, letting you quickly find the language you want to use. Content items created in a repository associated with this localization policy won't be able to be published unless they have translations for all required languages.

  6. Choose optional languages for the policy. Content items created in a repository associated with this localization policy don't need to have translations for these optional languages in order to be published.

  7. Click Save when done.

After a policy is created, it can be used in a publishing channel. See Create and Share Publishing Channels for details.