Create Site Templates in Developer Cloud Service

You can use the cec command-line utility to create Oracle Content Management site templates from the available source site templates.

Use the cec create-template command to create a site template from one of the available source site templates. Typing cec create-template -h on the command line gives the available source site templates.

Here is an example of creating a site template:

cec create-template CafeSupremoLite_yourname -f CafeSupremoLite

Windows: This command creates a symlink for themes to render in an external HTML WYSIWYG editor (such as _scs_theme_root_) while you are creating site templates. To create symlinks in Windows, you normally need to run the command-line utility with administrative privileges. If you are not using a WYSIWYG editor to edit the theme, you don't need to run with administrative privileges, and you can ignore the symlink creation error.

The preceding example creates the CafeSupremoLite_yournameTheme site template and makes the source code available at cec-components/src/main/. The following table shows the locations of the source code after you create a site template in Developer Cloud Service.

Template Source Code Theme Components for Template
cec-components/src/main/templates cec-components/src/main/themes cec-components/src/main/components

The local test harness shows the components too, with the ability to filter them by site template and type.

You can edit theme and component files with any text or code editor. See Test with a Local Test Harness. Refresh the browser after editing the theme or component to see your changes.


The source code for your site templates, themes, and components exists in src/main/. You shouldn't modify any files outside src/main because they are needed for the functioning of the Oracle Content Management local server.