Develop Site Templates with Developer Cloud Service

You can use Developer Cloud Service to develop site templates for Oracle Content Management.

Take the following steps to develop a site template in Developer Cloud Service, test it locally, and then export it into Oracle Content Management:

  1. Set Up Oracle Content Management Toolkit on Your Local Machine.

  2. Sign in to the Developer Cloud Service Console for Oracle Content Management.

  3. Create a Project in Developer Cloud Service.

  4. Add Oracle Content Management Toolkit to the Project Code in the New Git Repository.

  5. Create a Template in Developer Cloud Service.

    You can create a new site template to develop, copy an existing site template in Developer Cloud Service, or import a site template from Oracle Content Management.

  6. Test the Template in a Local Test Harness.

  7. Merge Changes.

  8. Export a site template from Developer Cloud Service into Oracle Content Management.