Create a Usage and Permission Report for a Site

You can create a report to validate and fix permissions of target server members for test-to-production propagation for a site.

Use the cec create-asset-report and check it as follows:

  1. Check the membership and channel assignment of all site artifacts:
    • Theme
    • Template
    • Components
    • Content type
  2. Flag issues that you can address.

For example:

cec create-asset-report blog1 -s <registered-server> -o

cec create-asset-report trbcent -s <registered-server> -o

The report is generated in a JSON file, which you can check for problems with usage and permissions. The following commands are available for permission fixes:

  • cec share-type: Share types with users in an Oracle Content Management server.
  • cec unshare-type: Remove access to types for given users in an Oracle Content Management server.
  • cec share-repository: Share a repository (and the types used by the repository) in an Oracle Content Management server.
  • cec unshare-repository: Remove user access to a repository in an Oracle Content Management server.
  • For example:
    cec share-repository Repo1 -u <user-name1>,<user-name2> -r manager -t -s <registered-server>