Download or Upload Content Items for a Site in Groups

As a Developer, when you transfer a site from one Oracle Content Management server to another, you can download or upload the site's content items in groups.

To transfer a site with a large number of content assets, you need to separate the site and its content. After you transfer a site without content (cec transfer-site --excludecontent ), use cec transfer-site-content to transfer the content of the site.

For example:

cec transfer-site-content <name>

This command creates scripts to transfer Enterprise Site content from one Oracle Content Management server to another. The command is used to transfer a large number of content items, and the items are transferred in batches. By default, this command will not execute the scripts, and all assets are transferred. You can specify -p to transfer only published assets.

Specify the source server with -s <server> and the destination server with -d <destination>.


--destination, -d The registered CEC server to transfer the content [required]
--repository, -r Repository [required]
--publishedassets, -p The flag to indicate published assets only
--number, -n The number of items in each batch, defaults to 500
--execute, -e Execute the scripts
--help, -h Show help [boolean]

If the option --execute is not set, after cec transfer-site-content finishes, execute the generated script <site name>_downloadcontent to download content from the source server, and execute <site name>_uploadcontent to upload the downloaded content to the destination server.


cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s DEV -d UAT -r Repository1 Generate script Site1_downloadcontent and Site1_uploadcontent
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s DEV -d UAT -r Repository1 -e Generate script Site1_downloadcontent and Site1_uploadcontent and execute them
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s DEV -d UAT -r Repository1 -n 200
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s DEV -d UAT -r Repository1 -p