Edit an Image

You can crop, rotate, or flip an image, or change the format, background color, or image quality. Then you can save the new image as a new rendition or a completely new asset.

You can't edit a published image. You must create a new version of the image if you want to edit it.

If there is more than one version of an image, when viewing the image, you can switch between the latest draft version and the last published version using the drop-down menu next to the image name.

To edit an image:

  1. Open the image, and then click Edit.
  2. Edit the image with any of the following actions:
    • To crop the image, click Crop icon Crop. Select one of the predefined image ratios in the cropping toolbar, or drag the cropping handles on the image as desired. When you're satisfied, in the cropping toolbar, click Crop.
    • To rotate the image, click Rotate icon Rotate. In the rotation toolbar, enter a custom rotation degree or use the buttons to rotate the image left or right.
    • To flip the image, click Flip icon Flip, and select whether to flip the image horizontally or vertically.
    • To change the image format, click Options icon Options, then select a new format from the Format drop-down list.
    • To change the background color, click Options icon Options, then select an option from the Background Color drop-down menu.
    • To change the image quality, click Options icon Options, then enter the new dpi in the Quality box.
    • To undo or redo your change, click Undo icon or Redo icon. To remove all changes you made, click Reset.
    • To change the magnification of the image, use the zoom controls (Zoom control).
  3. To save your changes, click Save, then select whether you want to save as a new rendition or as an entirely new asset.