View and Manage Digital Assets

You can view, edit, and manage your digital assets in many ways on the Assets page and while viewing the digital asset.

In the header on the Assets page, you can perform the following actions on digital assets:

On the Assets page, you can perform the following actions on a digital asset by selecting an asset and clicking an option in the toolbar, or by right-clicking an asset and selecting an option:

  • To open the image, click View.
  • If the image requires review, click Submit for Review. A repository administrator can then approve or reject the image. The submission status is shown in the lower right area of the asset—In review status icon In Review, Approved status icon Approved, or Rejected status icon Rejected.
  • To publish the image and make it available for use in a site, click Publish. See Publish Assets.
  • To make images easier to find, you can use categories, collections, and tags.
    • Categories provide a hierarchical organization that maps to your business structure and allows users to drill-down to find what they need. To assign categories to the image, click Categories. See Assign Asset Categories.


      Categories are available only in Oracle Content and Experience Cloud, not Oracle Content and Experience Cloud-Classic.
    • Collections are a way to group related assets for a specific business need such as a marketing campaign. A new collection is also created automatically for each site. To change the collections the image is associated with, click Collections. See Create and Share Collections.
    • Tags, like keywords, are terms that a user might search for. For example, you might have a document about an upcoming conference. You could tag the document with "conference", "event", "webinar", "breakouts", and other similar terms. To add or edit the tags for the image, click Edit Tags. See Tag Assets.
  • To change the publishing channels the image is targeted to, click Targeted Channels. See Create and Share Publishing Channels.
  • To download the image to your computer, click Download.
  • To add a new version of the image, click Upload New Version.
  • To remove the image from the repository, click Delete.
  • To view the image properties, click Properties. The properties include read-only information such as when the item was created and last updated, the associated channels, and the associated collections.

While viewing a digital asset, you can perform the following actions:

  • To crop, rotate, or flip an image, or change the format, background color, or image quality, click Edit. See Edit an Image.
  • If the image has been submitted for review, a repository administrator can approve or reject the image.
  • To download the image to your computer, click Download.
  • To view the image in full screen mode, click Full Screen.
  • To add a new version of the image, click Upload New Version.
  • To change the magnification of the image, use the zoom controls.
  • To create or participate in a conversation associated with the image, click the additional properties pane, then, in the drop-down menu, select Conversation.
  • To view and manage renditions for an image, click the additional properties pane, then, in the drop-down menu, select Renditions. See Manage Image Renditions
  • To view the API information for the image, click the additional properties pane, then, in the drop-down menu, select API Information. The API information includes the API ID, the delivery URL (after the content item is published), the creation date, and the date it was last updated.
  • To view the categories the image is assigned to, click the additional properties pane, then, in the drop-down menu, select Categories. See Assign Asset Categories.


    Categories are available only in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, not Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic.