Edit Site Settings

You can customize site settings to add site icons, a controller file, a sitemap, robot files, auxiliary files, and to specify a map provider.

These settings are stored in an update until you commit the update. After publishing, the files are stored in the root folder of the theme so any sites using that theme will use these files.

To change the icons and link behavior for the entire site:

  1. Open a site for editing.

  2. Click Settings icon in the sidebar and then click Site icon Site.

  3. In the Favorite Icons section, choose an image to use for the site when the site is minimized in a browser or on a different platform, such as a mobile device. The icon must be stored as a digital asset that you can access. Click Select file to upload, navigate to the icon and select it, then click OK. Customization is needed for the favorite icon to work all browsers:

    • For Chrome and Safari there must be a reference to the favorite icon, including the site prefix, in the controller file, as shown in this example:
      <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/mySitePrefix/favicon.ico" />

      For Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox, a similar entry must be included in the page templates. However, a page template is part of a theme and it might be used in multiple sites. Therefore, it can’t use a fixed site prefix and must use a token instead. See this example:

      <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<!--$SCS_SITE_PATH-->/favicon.ico" />
      The token will be swapped with the site prefix when the page is delivered.
    Note that Internet Explorer and Firefox load a favorite icon from the controller and again from the page template. Therefore, the icon will flash unless the same one is referenced from both the controller and the page template. Chrome and Safari only load the icon that’s referenced from the controller.
  4. In the Controller File section, you can add a file that alters the way browsers process link requests. In addition to referencing favorite icons, you can also add OpenGraph tags or metadata tags for webmaster site verification, or for sharing the site on social media. You download the default controller file and edit it, or upload your own file. The file must be stored as a digital asset that you can access. Click Select file to upload, navigate to the file and select it, then click OK.

    For example, if your site contains a Facebook Share button, you may want to provide metadata that Facebook can use to show details about your site in Facebook, as in this example:
    <meta property="og:image" content="https://my.domain.com/fb-image.jpg"/>
    <meta property="og:title" content="My Site Title on FB!"/>
    <meta property="og:url" content="https://my.domain.com"/>
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="My Site Name on FB"/>
    You can add a Google webmaster verification tag, similar to this example:
    <meta name="google-site-verification" content="GCVURS9d2fP6jev5upt0Yt1AIp71C9D__ALqS8pg" />
  5. In the Sitemap and Robot Files section, you can upload a custom sitemap and robot files. A sitemap is an XML file that you can use to list URLs for a website and information about each URL, such as when it was last updated. A robot file is a text file you can create to instruct search engine robots how to index pages on your website. The files must be stored as a digital assets that you can access. Click Select file to upload, navigate to the file and select it, then click OK.

  6. In the Auxiliary Files section, you can upload more files if needed, such as those needed to verify site ownership. The file must be stored as a digital asset that you can access. Click Select file to upload, navigate to the file and select it, then click OK.

  7. You can choose a provider for the map component and the links used. Select either Oracle Maps or Google Maps.

  8. When you publish the update, the changes are published and put into use.