Edit the Website

Open the newly created website in Site Builder by selecting it and choosing Open from the menu bar or right-click menu. In Site Builder, set the switch Edit icon to Edit mode. Enter a name for the update and click OK.

In edit mode, you’ll see that the website has three slots, which are areas available on the page (depending on the page layout). Hover over each + on the page to see slots such as Header, Body, and Footer.

Description of slots.png follows
Description of the illustration slots.png

We generally use the Header slot to display the company’s logo, the navigation menu, and so on. We use the Body slot for the main content of the page, and the Footer slot for copyright information, social media links, and any additional information.

First, let’s build the home page. This is what the home page will look like once it's completed:

Description of minimal_home.png follows
Description of the illustration minimal_home.png
Let's use out-of-the-box components to fill in the Header slot:
  1. In the left sidebar, click Components icon and then click Seeded to show the list of out-of-the-box components available with Oracle Content Management.
  2. In the left sidebar, look for an out-of-the-box component called Component Group. Drag and drop it into the Header slot.

    Description of 1_header_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 1_header_slot.png

  3. Click the component group's menu icon Component group's menu icon and then click Settings. In the settings, click the Color drop-down list (available at the bottom of the settings list) and then click More. Enter #333333 and click OK.

    Description of color_field_selection.png follows
    Description of the illustration color_field_selection.png

  4. Drag and drop an Image component into the component group.

    Description of 2_header_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 2_header_slot.png

  5. Click the Image component’s menu icon Component menu and then click Settings. Complete the settings in the General tab.
    Property Value
    Select Logo.png from the Minimal-Images folder
    Alignment Left
    Width Deselect Set Width
    Top 1.2vw
    Bottom 30px
    Left 6vw
    Right 0

    Description of 3_header_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 3_header_slot.png

    Description of image_settings.png follows
    Description of the illustration image_settings.png
  6. Let's link this logo image to the home page. Complete the Image component’s settings in the Link tab.
    Property Value
    Select Link Type Site Page
    Page HOME
    Target Open in Same Window
  7. In the left sidebar, click Back icon and click Custom to show the list of custom components.
  8. Now, let’s add a navigation menu to the home page using the Minimal-NavMenu custom component. Drag and drop a Minimal-NavMenu component into the component group, to the right side of the Image component. Click the title of the Minimal-NavMenu component to make sure its parent is the component group you added earlier. This is a useful way to see where any component resides within the structure of the web page.

    Description of 4_header_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 4_header_slot.png

    Complete its settings in the General tab.

    Property Value
    Alignment Right
    Top 1.2vw
    Bottom 0
    Left 0
    Right 6vw
  9. Now, the header is ready. Let’s save this component group as a custom component group so that we can use it later in the other website pages. Click the title of the component group, then click its menu icon Component group's menu icon , and then click Save. In the Save Component Group dialog, in the Name field, enter "Minimal-Header" and then click Save.

    Description of component_group_save.png follows
    Description of the illustration component_group_save.png


    If you click the component group and you see the Image or Minimal-NavMenu component title rather than the component group title, click the Image or Minimal-NavMenu component title again and then you’ll see the component group’s title. Now, you can click the component group’s title and perform the above step.
    The following image shows the parent structure for the Image component in the Header slot:

    Description of parent_structure.png follows
    Description of the illustration parent_structure.png

  10. Click Save in the upper right of Site Builder to save your changes. The Header slot should now look like the following image:

    Description of header_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration header_slot.png

Let's move on to the Body slot:
  1. In the left sidebar, click Back icon and then click Seeded.
  2. From the left sidebar, drag and drop a Component Group into the Body slot. We’ll create a banner using this component group and the components (which we’ll be adding into it).
  3. In the left sidebar, click Section Layouts icon.
  4. Drag and drop a Two Columns section layout into the component group.

    Description of 1_body_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 1_body_slot.png

  5. Complete the section layout's settings in the General tab. Click Custom Settings to specify the following settings.
    Property Value
    First Column Width (%) 43
    Second Column Width (%) 57
    Responsive Breakpoint (pixels) 1,023
    Responsive Behavior Hide the first column

    Complete the settings in the Background tab:

    Property Value
    Image Banner1.jpg from the Minimal-Images folder
    Position Center Center
    Scale Stretch
  6. In the left sidebar, click Components icon to see the list of seeded components.
  7. From the list of seeded components, drag and drop a Title component into the second column of the Two Columns layout.

    Description of 2_body_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 2_body_slot.png

    Description of 3_body_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 3_body_slot.png
  8. Click in the Title component and enter "WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION". Select the text and set its font color to White in the text editor. Complete the title component's settings in the General tab.
    Property Value
    Top 6vw
    Bottom 1.8vw
    Left 6vw
    Right 6vw
  9. From the list of seeded components in the left sidebar, drag and drop a Paragraph component below the Title component, within the second column of the Two Columns layout. Complete its settings in the General tab.
    Property Value
    Top 1.8vw
    Bottom 6vw
    Left 6vw
    Right 6vw
  10. Click in the Paragraph component and enter the following text:

    "I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I'm a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you or your organization."

    Select the text and set its size to 24 in the text editor. Also, set its font color to White in the text editor.

    Description of 4_body_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 4_body_slot.png

  11. Now, the banner is ready. Let’s save this component group as a custom component group so that we can use it later in the other website pages. Click the component group's menu icon Component group's menu icon and then click Save. In the Save Component Group dialog, in the Name field, enter "Minimal-Banner" and then click Save. You’ll notice that the name (Minimal-Banner) now shows up for the component group.

    Description of minimal_banner.png follows
    Description of the illustration minimal_banner.png

  12. From the left sidebar, drag and drop another Component Group into the Body slot, below the Minimal-Banner component group you’ve already added.

    Description of 5_body_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 5_body_slot.png

  13. Drag and drop a Title component into the component group.
  14. Click in the Title component and enter "Welcome to OCE Minimal".
  15. Complete the title component's settings in the General tab.
    Property Value
    Top 3vw
    Bottom 1.8vw
    Left 6vw
    Right 6vw

    Description of 6_body_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 6_body_slot.png
  16. From the left sidebar, drag and drop a Paragraph component below the Title component, into the component group. Click in the Paragraph component and enter the following text:

    "Oracle Content Management is a cloud-based content hub to drive omni-channel content management and accelerate experience delivery. It offers powerful collaboration and workflow management capabilities to streamline the creation and delivery of content."

    "Oracle Content Management offers simple and easy-to-use tools to create websites. You can quickly create a website by taking advantage of the powerful features that Oracle Content Management provides."

  17. Complete the Paragraph component's settings in the General tab.
    Property Value
    Top 20px
    Bottom 50px
    Left 6vw
    Right 6vw

    Description of 7_body_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 7_body_slot.png
  18. We’ve completed the body slot. Let’s save the component group as a custom component group so that we can use it later in the other website pages. Click the component group's menu icon Component group's menu icon and then click Save. In the Save Component Group dialog, in the Name field, enter "Minimal-Body" and then click Save.
  19. Click Save in the upper right of Site Builder to save your changes. The Body slot should now look like the following image:

    Description of body_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration body_slot.png

Let’s complete the Footer slot:
  1. From the left sidebar, drag and drop a Component Group into the Footer slot. In the component group’s settings, set the Color field to #333333.

    Description of 1_footer_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 1_footer_slot.png

  2. Drag and drop an Image component into the component group and complete its settings in the General tab.
    Property Value
    Select Powered_by_OCE.png from the Minimal-Images folder
    Alignment Left
    Width Deselect Set Width
    Top 0.9vw
    Bottom 0.9vw
    Left 6vw
    Right 0
  3. From the left sidebar, drag and drop a Social Bar component into the component group, to the right side of the Image component.

    Description of 2_footer_slot.png follows
    Description of the illustration 2_footer_slot.png

    Complete the settings for the Social Bar component in the General tab.

    Property Value
    Top 1.8vw
    Bottom 1.8vw
    Left 0.3vw
    Right 6vw

    In the General tab, click Icons and then click an icon name to complete the settings.

    Property Value
    Target Open in New Window
  4. Now, the footer is ready. Let’s save this component group as a custom component group so that we can use it later in the other website pages. Click the component group's menu icon Component group's menu icon and then click Save. In the Save Component Group dialog, in the Name field, enter "Minimal-Footer" and then click Save. The component group should look like:

    Description of minimal_footer.png follows
    Description of the illustration minimal_footer.png

  5. Click Save in the upper right of Site Builder to save your changes.

Preview the first page of your website by clicking Preview icon in the upper right of Site Builder. The website is still not published and cannot be viewed by others now.

You've completed creating the HOME page. Let's build the CONTACT US page. This is what the contact page will look like once it's completed:

Description of minimal_site_contact.png follows
Description of the illustration minimal_site_contact.png
Let’s add components into the various slots:
  1. In the left sidebar, click Pages icon and then click Add Page.
  2. Enter "CONTACT US" in the Page Name field and click Close. You've added a new page to your website.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Components icon and then click Custom.
  4. Drag and drop a Minimal-Header component (which you created and saved earlier) into the Header slot.

    Description of 1_contact_us.png follows
    Description of the illustration 1_contact_us.png

    Description of new_menu.png follows
    Description of the illustration new_menu.png

    Notice that the Minimal-NavMenu component has automatically picked up the new CONTACT US page you just created.

    Description of 2_contact_us.png follows
    Description of the illustration 2_contact_us.png
  5. From the left sidebar, drag and drop a Minimal-Banner component into the Body slot.

    Description of 3_contact_us.png follows
    Description of the illustration 3_contact_us.png

  6. Let’s modify the banner so that it looks different from the HOME page’s banner and suits the CONTACT US page. Within the component group, modify the settings for the Two Columns section layout:

    In the Background tab, in the Image field, click Select Image and then select Banner2.jpg from the Minimal-Images folder you created earlier in Documents.

    Description of 5_contact_us.png follows
    Description of the illustration 5_contact_us.png
  7. Within the Two Columns section layout, modify the text in the Title and Paragraph components.
    • Enter "Want to learn more?" in the Title component.
    • Enter "Find more learning material on the Headless CMS page." in the Paragraph component.
  8. In the left sidebar, click Back icon and then click Seeded.
  9. The image for CONTACT US page has a button called OCE FOR DEVELOPERS as part of the banner, so let’s add this button to the banner. Within the Minimal-Banner component group, drag and drop a Button component into the second column of the Two Columns section layout (below the recently added Paragraph component). Complete the Button component’s settings in the General tab.
    Property Value
    Top 0.3vw
    Bottom 3vw
    Left 6vw
    Right 0.3vw

    In the Style tab, select Customize and complete the settings.

    Property Value
    Background Color #c0d600
    • Enter 24 as the size.
    • Enter color #58595b.
    Border None
    Hover Color
    • Set BACKGROUND to #e1fa00.
    • Set FONT to #58595b.
    • Set BORDER to #2222dd.
    Corners 0

    Complete the settings in the Link tab.

    Property Value
    Select Link Type Web Page
    URL http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=cloud&id=content-cloud-headless
    Target Open in New Window

    Description of button_settings.png follows
    Description of the illustration button_settings.png

    Description of 4_contact_us.png follows
    Description of the illustration 4_contact_us.png
  10. In the left sidebar, click Back icon and then click Custom.
  11. Drag and drop a Minimal-Body component below the Minimal-Banner component, into the Body slot.
  12. Within the Minimal-Body component, modify the text in the Title and Paragraph components.
    1. Enter "Connect with us:" in the Title component.
    2. Enter details such as an email address and other support-related links in the Paragraph component:

      "Visit the Oracle Cloud Connect Forum to post your queries."

      "Oracle Content Management samples are available at: https://www.oracle.com/middleware/technologies/content-experience-downloads.html"

  13. From the left sidebar, drag and drop another Minimal-Body component into the Body slot, below the Minimal-Body component you added earlier.
  14. In the component group’s settings, in the Background tab, set the Color field to #696969.
  15. Within the Minimal-Body component, modify the Title and Paragraph components.
    1. Enter "Locations" in the Title component. Select the text and set its font color to White in the text editor.
    2. Enter the following text in the Paragraph component.

      "Regional Office1:

      Building Number 1,

      City1, Province1, Country1

      Regional Office2:

      Building Number 2,

      City2, Province2, Country2"

    Select the text and set its font color to White in the text editor.
  16. Now, let’s add the footer to the CONTACT US page. Drag and drop a Minimal-Footer component into the footer slot.
  17. Click Save in the upper right of Site Builder to save your changes.

Preview the website by clicking Preview icon in the upper right of Site Builder to make sure everything looks good. Make sure the logo image on the CONTACT US page takes you back to the home page when clicked. Test the menu to make sure the navigation between the website pages works correctly.

Your website is ready to be published.

Next step: Publish the website