Import and Export Recommendations

Use Oracle Content Management Toolkit commands to import recommendations from an Oracle Content Management server to your local machine or to export recommendations from your local machine to the server.

The cec download-recommendation <name> command exports a recommendation from Oracle Content Management. It downloads the recommendation from an Oracle Content Management server.

You can use the following options in this command:

  • --status, -t [promoted | published] [required]: Specify the recommendation status.
  • --id, -i: If another recommendation has the same name, specify the recommendation ID.
  • --server, -s: Specify a registered Oracle Content Management server, or use the one specified in the file.
  • --help, -h: Show help for the command.

Some examples of the download-recommendation command follow:

cec download-recommendation Recommendation1 -t promoted

  cec download-recommendation Recommendation1 -i 6A6DE836572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4 -t promoted

  cec download-recommendation recommendation -t published -s UAT

The cec upload-recommendation <name> command imports a recommendation to Oracle Content Management. It uploads a recommendation to an Oracle Content Management server.

You can use the following options in this command:

  • --createnew, -c: Create new a recommendation.
  • --name, -n: Specify the name of the new recommendation.
  • --abbreviation, -a: Specify an abbreviation for the new recommendation.
  • --description, -d: Specify a description of the new recommendation.
  • --file, -f: Indicate whether the recommendation is from a file.
  • --server, -s: Specify a registered Oracle Content Management server, or use the one specified in the file.
  • --help, -h: Show help for the command.

Some examples of the upload-recommendation command follow:

cec upload-recommendation Recommendation1
Create a new recommendation or a draft of an existing recommendation on upload  

cec upload-recommendation Recommendation1 -s UAT 
Create a new recommendation or a draft of an existing recommendation on upload on the registered server UAT

cec upload-recommendation Recommendation1 -c                                  
Create a new recommendation on upload

cec upload-recommendation Recommendation1 -c -n Recommendation 1_2 -a t12 -d          
Create a new recommendation on upload with the given name, abbreviation

"Recommendation1 copy" and description cec upload-recommendation          
Create a new recommendation or a draft of an existing recommendation in <file-name>.json -f and upload the JSON file