Move Pages

You can drag and drop pages to another location in the current level of the site tree, or cut and paste a page to another level.

There’s always a top page in the hierarchy, the “home” page for your site, and all other pages are listed beneath it. You can drag and drop pages at a given level to change their order. You can also cut and paste pages to another location in the hierarchy.

Pages can have nested pages. If you move a page with nested pages, the nested pages are also moved and remain nested beneath the moved page. If the theme you use includes automated navigation, changing the order of pages also changes the order in which they’re listed in the navigation menus.

To move a page to a different location in the site tree:

  1. Open a site for editing.
  2. Go to the page you want to move.
  3. To move a page to a different position in the current level of the site tree, click and drag the page name to a different location in the list of pages, then drop it.
  4. To move a page to a different level of the site tree, click the page you want to move and click Settings icon for that page. Click Cut icon to cut the page from its current location or Copy icon to leave a copy of the page in the current location. Go to the level where you want the page and click Settings icon. If you select a page at that level, the pasted page will be nested under it. Click Paste icon to paste the page to the current location. To reorder the pages, drag and drop a page to another location in the current level of the site tree.