Register a Remote Component

Before you can use a remote component in a site, it must be registered in Oracle Content Management.

You can register third-party remote components and those that you have developed yourself.

To register a remote component for use in your Oracle Content Management instance:

  1. Click Developer and then click View All Components.
  2. Click Create and choose Register Remote Component.
  3. In the Register Remote Component window, enter or select information including:
    • Name: Name of the component that users will see.

    • Description: Description of the component that users will see.

    • Component URL: The end point used in an iframe to render component content in a page. It must be HTTPS.

    • Settings URL: The end point used in an iframe to render the settings of a remote component added to a page. It must be HTTPS.

    • Settings Width: Sets the default width of the component settings panel in pixels.

    • Settings Height: Sets the default height of the component settings panel in pixels.

    • Key: A 192–bit AES key associated with the remote component and used to create a signed hash token when the component is provisioned. It’s used to encrypt and ensure component settings are read and written securely.

  4. Click Register.
    When the remote component is created, the name appears in the list of components. You can explore the files used to register the component by clicking the component name in the list of components.

The component registration information is stored in the catalog used by sites created in the same Oracle Content Management instance, but the component remains a remote service.

As the component owner, the component icon is added to the Custom Components panel in Site Builder with the name you assigned to the component. You can share the component with other users and they will see the component in the Custom Components panel in Site Builder.