Set Up a Site Vanity Domain

The following steps must be completed to configure a site vanity domain. This process may be repeated for additional sites on the same domain, at different paths, or on different domains.

Configure a Site With a Site Vanity Domain

For an Oracle Content Management site to load properly when using a vanity domain, you must configure the site to do so. This is done in the site’s properties.

  1. In Oracle Content Management, click Sites in the side navigation.

  2. Select the site you want to use a vanity domain with and choose Properties from the right-click menu or in the actions bar.

  3. Enter the vanity domain in the vanity domain field and click Save.

It can take up to an hour for Oracle Content Management to be ready to accept requests on the vanity domain. During this time, you can access the site on the original domain. You can monitor progress at any time in the site properties panel.


If you are using the Oracle Content Management CDN you do not need to perform any additional actions. If you are using a different 3rd-party CDN, review Configure the CDN to Route Requests to a Public Site and Configure the CDN to Route Requests to a Secure Site. If necessary, consult your CDN for specific instructions.

Configure the CDN to Route Requests to a Public Site

Once Oracle Content Management is properly configured and ready to accept them, requests made using the vanity domain will be routed according to the DNS entries to the CDN and the CDN will forward the requests to Oracle Content Management. This routing is usually done with a CNAME entry in your DNS records. Consult your CDN for specific instructions.

For example, if an Oracle Content Management site with a site URL of is configured with a vanity domain of, then the CDN must be configured to:

  • recognize the vanity domain and custom path:

  • specify the origin Oracle Content Management instance using the vanity domain:

  • append the site path for the specific site, in this case: /site/MyCustomerSite/

  • send the full site URL to the origin Oracle Content Management instance:

Oracle Content Management will then receive the request and respond to the CDN, which satisfies the request to the visitor's browser, showing only the vanity domain and custom path to the visitor:

CDN configuration steps are often specific to the CDN, so work with your CDN provider to properly configure the desired behaviors.


The CDN configuration altering the path must not apply to any requests containing the following strings. The trailing wildcard is required for proper matching.
  • /documents*

  • /system*

  • /content/published*

  • /osn*

  • /pxysvc*

  • /_compdelivery/*

  • /_themes/*

  • /site*

  • /_sitesclouddelivery/*

  • /favicon.ico*

Requests to these paths are not meant to include the site path and so should be excluded from the path modification behavior. They should resolve to the root of the Oracle Content Management instance to be handled properly.

Routing requests from a single vanity domain to multiple Oracle Content Management instances is not supported. Many required requests have shared paths that do not include a site identifier so it is not possible to properly route requests to the correct instance. It is recommended that you use different domains or subdomains if you are working with multiple Oracle Content Management instances.

Configure the CDN to Route Requests to a Secure Site

A secure site requires visitors to authenticate so Oracle Content Management can confirm they are authorized to view the site before accessing it. This authentication is handled by routing the visitor to an Oracle identity manager such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Identity and Access Manager (IAM), and then back to the site once a proper session has been established. This means the CDN configuration for a secure site requires a few more behaviors than for a public site. Consult your CDN for specific instructions.

For example, if a secure Oracle Content Management site with a site URL of is configured with a vanity domain of then the CDN must be configured to:

  • recognize the vanity domain and custom path:

  • specify the origin Oracle Content Management instance using the vanity domain:

  • append the site path for this specific site: /site/authsite/MySecureSite/

  • send the full site URL to the origin Oracle Content Management instance:

  • ensure the Forward Host Header matches the vanity domain using a Custom Value or Incoming Host Header option.

  • ensure all calls to the server function by enabling the HTTP DELETE, POST, PUT, and PATCH methods, which are often not enabled by default in CDN configurations.

  • create a separate rule that will update the location header of the /cloudgate/v1/oauth2/callback response. This will ensure the visitor ends up at the correct domain and path.

    By default, the authenticated user will be returned to a combination of the vanity domain and original site path, such as You want the visitor returned to To do this, this rule must execute on the /cloudgate/v1/oauth2/callback request when the response’s location header includes the name of your site. In this case, MySecureSite.

    This rule should then execute a find and replace of the location header’s value, replacing /site/authsite/MySecureSite/ with /secure/. A find and replace operation will allow all pages of the site to also redirect properly, where as a simple path replacement would always return the user to the home page.

When implemented correctly, Oracle Content Management will receive the request and respond to the CDN, which satisfies the request to the visitor's browser, showing only the vanity domain and path to the visitor. In this example:

CDN configuration steps are often specific to the CDN, so work with your CDN provider to properly configure the described behaviors.