Upload Site Files

You can upload images and documents for use with your site at any time using the Oracle Content Management interface. You can also upload files from within Site Builder when working with background images, and with image, gallery, and document components.

When you use image and document files with sites, you can use images stored with the site or in another location you can access. You can also use images that were shared with you or that you upload from a local or network file location.

Upload Files

To upload one or more files from a local or network location:

  1. Click Documents and go to the location where you want to store the file. Click Create to add a new folder in the current location.

  2. Click Upload.

  3. Locate and select one or more files and then click Open.

Upload Files within the Editor

When working with background images or with components such as documents or images, you can upload files directly if the file you want to use isn’t in an Oracle Content Management location.

For example, to upload one or more files from a local or network location to use with a gallery component:

  1. To add images to a gallery, click its menu icon Component Menu icon, choose Settings, and click Images on the General tab.

  2. Click Add Images.

  3. Go to the location where you want to store the file or click Create to add a new folder in the current location.

  4. Click Upload.

  5. Locate and select one or more files and then click Open.

  6. Select one or more images in the repository and click OK.


    The window displays all available files. Choose the file type that’s appropriate for the context. For example, if you’re choosing an image file, select a file with a valid image format (GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, or SVG). To link to the file, select Use a reference to the original file instead of copying the file to the site. If you don’t select this option, a copy of the file is stored with the site and referenced from the site.