View Site Translation Job Details

On the Translation Jobs page, click a translation job to view its details.

The translation job details lists the following information:

  • The translation job name and repository.

  • The job status.

  • When the job was last updated.

  • The source and target languages, and the status of each target language.

If your translation uses a translation connector, you'll see additional information:

  • The translation connector used for the job.
  • The status of the translation. Click Refresh to refresh the translation job details.
  • If your translation connector provides validation data of the upload to Language Service Provider step, you can download the details in a JSON file by clicking Download.

    You can also view validation data for the site by expanding the List of assets. The validation data includes whether the fields or attributes and any associated native files are translatable. If the connector encounters any problem while uploading the site to the Language Service Provider, an error would be shown.