19 Organize Business Assets

There are several ways to organize your assets to make them easier to find:

  • Repositories—All assets are managed in a particular repository, which you select when you add the asset. Users select a repository before searching for or working with assets.
  • Collections—Collections are a way to group related assets for a specific business need such as a marketing campaign. You can create standard static collections or dynamic collections based on a search query. Assets can belong to one or more collections.
  • Full-text indexing—Content items and digital assets such as PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, or other text documents are full-text indexed, so users can search for any text found in the content item or document.
  • Smart content—If your repository administrator enabled smart content on the repository, images are automatically tagged based on the content of the image.
  • Tags—Tags, like keywords, are terms that a user might search for. If your repository administrator enabled smart content on the repository, images are automatically tagged based on the content and colors in the image, but you can also add manual tags for any kind of asset. For example, you might have a document or content item about an upcoming conference. You could tag it with "conference", "event", "webinar", "breakouts", and other similar terms.
  • Categories—If a taxonomy is associated with the repository you're viewing, you can assign categories to the asset. Categories provide a hierarchical organization that maps to your business structure and allows users to drill-down to find what they need.