I have sync problems or slow syncing

You probably won't encounter problems with file sync, because the desktop sync client resolves most of them automatically. However, sometimes a more serious underlying cause is found and you may have to intervene to resolve it.

If there is a problem, you might see the problems detected icon in the notification area or next to a file in your Oracle Content folder.

You can view all problems by selecting Sync Problems using one of these methods:

  • Right-click the desktop app icon in the notification area (Windows) or in the menu bar extras area (Mac).

  • Click the desktop app icon and then click the More icon.

The Problems window opens where you see a list of files and problems. Click on one and you'll get an explanation of the problem and a suggestion on how to resolve it. After you make changes, the list may refresh automatically or you can click Retry or Retry All to clear all problems.

You might get a system error, which is usually a problem with your cloud connection. To see the error, click the information icon. An error dialog is shown and there may be a View Details link, where you can find out more about the problem.

If you edit a file in a shared folder and someone else locks the file while you're editing it, a sync error occurs. Your changes won't be saved unless you override and unlock the file and explicitly save the file from the Problems dialog.

If your sync process is running slowly, your desktop app can be optimized for better performance. Over time, the database that tracks your synced files grows slowly and can reduce productivity. From the the desktop app icon menu, click Help and then Troubleshoot. Click Optimize to clear out old data.

File Conflicts

Conflicts happen when a file is changed on more than one computer at the same time. The first version of the file to be saved or uploaded to the cloud is considered the new authentic file, and that file is then synced across all computers and the cloud. One exception to this is if the only change is the file's name. In that case, the new name is applied to the authentic file, and it's synced.

If someone tries to save or upload another version of the file, it's kept in Oracle Content but is given a different name. That file isn't automatically synced across computers.

If you want to sync a version of the file that wasn't the first saved, rename that file yourself. This triggers the desktop app to treat the file like a new one and it will be synced to all computers and the cloud. This new version of the file is kept with the original. You can then decide whether to keep both versions, keep only the latest, or merge the content of the two.

The desktop app doesn't merge the contents of conflicting files for you. Some applications (for example, Microsoft Word) let you compare the contents of files. You can use it to view the differences between two files and decide what material from each file should be kept.

Items Not Syncing

The following types of files or folders aren't synced:

  • Hidden files, like system files

  • Temporary files (beginning with a tilde (~) or with a .tmp extension)

  • Windows shortcuts

  • Symbolic links (symlinks)

  • Hidden folders

  • Encrypted folders on Mac computers

  • A file with a name containing any of these characters: | \ / ? " : < > *

  • Files known to contain viruses. If a local virus scanner isn't enabled, an infected file is transferred from the Oracle Content folder to the cloud during sync. There it's scanned for viruses and moved to the Trash folder.

Files with file paths exceeding the 247-character limit in Windows will sync, but long paths can cause issues when using Windows. This limit doesn't apply to files in the cloud or on Mac computers.

Windows Briefcase folders are synced as if they were typical Windows folders. The special features of Windows Briefcase folders aren't supported.