Understand Roles

What you see and what you can do in Oracle Content and Experience Cloud are determined by how resources are shared and what role you're assigned. See the service administrator in your organization for details about the roles as they’re used at your organization.

Organization roles determine what tasks a person needs to perform in the organization. User roles control what features a person sees when using the service. And resource roles or permissions control what a person can do with content items, files, and so on.

Some common organization roles include:

  • Anonymous user: a person engaging with a public website or other digital experience. This user can download documents or make purchases via a digital channel.

  • Visitor: someone engaging your website, mobile site or other digital experience to learn about the company. Visitors can interact with specific secure sites, make a purchase, and so on.

  • Employee: a person who shares documents with coworkers and views documents that were shared. They may also collaborate through conversations and create team sites or partner sites from pre-built templates.

  • Content contributor: a person who writes articles to be published to a channel.

  • Administrators: Repository administrators create and maintain repositories used to store digital assets. Site administrators create and manage sites, either enterprise sites or standard sites. Content administrators review submitted content and submit content to translation vendors.

  • Developers: developers create and maintain tools used for websites, such as templates, themes, and style sheets. Those kinds of tasks are described in detail in Developing for Oracle Content and Experience Cloud.

User roles include:

  • Administrators, including a cloud account administrator, an identity domain administrator, site administrators, content administrators, repository administrators, storage administrator, and an entitlement administrator.

  • Developers, including enterprise developers and standard developers.

  • Users, including standard users, enterprise users, and integration users.

  • Visitors

Resource roles include:

  • Viewer: people who can view content but can’t edit or download it.

  • Downloader: people who can download the associated resource and save it to a personal computer.

  • Contributor: people who can view, download, and edit the resource.

  • Manager: people who have full control of a resource.

Complete details about roles and their duties are found in Roles, in Administering Oracle Content and Experience Cloud.