
You can use OAuth to authorize requests that you send to the REST API for Content Preview.

Setting up your request to use OAuth is a two-step process. First, you obtain an OAuth token, and then you use this token to access the REST API. For details, see Integrate with Oracle Content Management Using OAuth .

  1. From the command line, enter this URL:

    curl -X POST \
    https://<IDCS BaseURL>/oauth2/v1/token \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 encoded clientID:clientSecret>' \
    -H 'Host: <idcs hostname>' \
    -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https%3A%2F%<ServiceInstanceBaseURL>%3A443%2Furn%3Aopc%3Acec%3Aall'

    The documents/web context is protected by Oracle Identity Cloud Services (IDCS). The user will be prompted to sign in to IDCS unless there is already a valid IDCS session in the browser.

    The OAuth token is returned in the tokenValue field in the JSON response. The token is valid for 7 days, and the expiration is in seconds.

  2. To use the token and access Content Preview REST endpoints, use the Bearer Authorization header. For example:

    curl -i -H 'Authorization: Bearer token' --request GET {Content Management URL}/content/preview/api/v1.1/items