Social REST Endpoints

Mark favorite conversations and documents, and collaborate with people.
Close the specified followup.
Method: delete
Path: /social/api/v1/followups/{followupID}
Get a filtered list of all followups.
Method: get
Path: /social/api/v1/followups
Get a filtered list of all stars.
Method: get
Path: /social/api/v1/stars
Get the specified followup.
Method: get
Path: /social/api/v1/followups/{followupID}
Mark the specified followup read.
Method: put
Path: /social/api/v1/followups/{followupID}
Star the specified object.
Method: post
Path: /social/api/v1/stars/{starID}
Un-star the specified object.
Method: delete
Path: /social/api/v1/stars/{starID}