Get a filtered list of all followups.




Supported Media Types
Body ()
Specify a filter to query.
Root Schema : XV1FollowupFilterInfo
Type: object
V1 Followup Filter Information DTO.
Show Source
Nested Schema : includeAssignees
Type: array
Include specified followups assignees. The includeAssignees or includeAssigners field or both must be specified. If both fields are null, fields includeAssignee and includeAssigner are used.
Show Source
  • An object's unique identifier from a long integer representation.
Nested Schema : includeAssigners
Type: array
Include specified followups assigners. The includeAssignees or includeAssigners field or both must be specified. If both fields are null fields, includeAssignee and includeAssigner are used.
Show Source
  • An object's unique identifier from a long integer representation.
Nested Schema : includeTypes
Type: array
Include specified followups types. If not specified, all types of followups are returned.
Show Source
Nested Schema : XV1FollowupSortField
Type: object
Show Source
    V1 Followup Sort Fields.
Nested Schema : XV1FollowupType
Type: object
Show Source
    V1 Followup Types.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : XV1FollowupListInfo
Type: object
V1 Followup List Information DTO.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
The followups being returned.
Show Source
Nested Schema : XV1FollowupInfo
Type: object
V1 Followup Information DTO.
Show Source
Nested Schema : XV1FollowupType
Type: object
Show Source
    V1 Followup Types.
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