Vanity Domain REST Endpoints

Sites/Vanity Domain

Configure the vanity domain used by a site. A customer that owns a domain can configure a site to use the domain as its vanity domain, and then the site can be accessed using this domain. A customer must purchase the domain they which to use as a vanity domain. DNS must be setup to point directly to the origin or to a CDN. A CDN allows customers to inject the site path behind-the-scenes so a client doesn't see the internal site path. Multiple sites may be configured to use the same site vanity domain. In that case custom paths for each site must be created, and supported, at the CDN level.

Create or Replace the Vanity Domain for a Site
Method: put
Path: /sites/management/api/v1/sites/{id}/vanityDomain
Read the Vanity Domain for a Site
Method: get
Path: /sites/management/api/v1/sites/{id}/vanityDomain
Remove the Vanity Domain for a Site
Method: delete
Path: /sites/management/api/v1/sites/{id}/vanityDomain