List Pages in a Site Refresh Job




List site pages being refreshed in a site refresh job. Details about the pages being refreshed, including individual status and any error details for each page, are returned. Pages can be filtered by status, for example listing just failed or completed pages. Because there might be a large number of pages in a site, results can be requested in pages.

Introduced in release 20.2.2.

Refresh Site

A refresh can be used to make pre-rendered site content available faster.

For more information, see Refresh Content Cache.


If the limit query parameter is not provided this operation uses a default limit of 50 items. The maximum limit that can be specified is 250. If the limit exceeds this maximum then a limit of 250 is used.

Successful Response Examples

This operation responds with the following success (2xx) responses. For a full list of response HTTP status codes and example bodies, consult the Response section of this operation.

200OK - List Pages with Paging

List first 5 pages in a Site Refresh job.



Response Body

  "limit": 5,
  "count": 5,
  "hasMore": true,
  "offset": 0,
  "items": [
        "pageUrl": "",
        "status": "complete"
        "pageUrl": "",
        "status": "processing"
        "pageUrl": "",
        "status": "processing"
        "pageUrl": "",
        "status": "processing"
        "pageUrl": "",
        "status": "pending"

200OK - List Pages by Status

List pages that failed to refresh in a Site Refresh job.


GET{id}/pages?links=none&q=status eq "failed"

Response Body

  "limit": 50,
  "count": 2,
  "hasMore": false,
  "offset": 0,
  "items": [
        "pageUrl": "",
        "status": "failed",
        "error": {
          "title": "Page Contains Invalid Characters",
          "detail": "The page contains one or more invalid characters"
        "pageUrl": "",
        "status": "failed",
        "error": {
          "title": "Page Contains Invalid Characters",
          "detail": "The page contains one or more invalid characters"

Client Error Response Examples

This operation responds with following client error (4xx) responses with exception details in the response body. For a full list of response HTTP status codes and example bodies, consult the Response section of this operation.

404Not Found - Site Job Not Found

The site job does not exist or has been deleted, or the authenticated user or client application does not have access to the job.

Error Code


Resolution - Check Identifier

Check that the site job identifier is valid.

Exception Detail Fields

This error type includes the following fields/values in the response:

Field NameDescription
jobStatusSite job status that does not exist or is not visible to the authenticated user.

For detailed information about this exception detail type, consult the SiteJobNotFoundExceptionDetail schema in the definitions section of the swagger document.

Example Response Body
  "type": "",
  "title": "Site Job Not Found",
  "status": "404",
  "detail": "Job does not exist or has been deleted, or the authenticated user or client application does not have access to the job.",
  "o:errorCode": "OCE-SITEMGMT-009024",
  "jobStatus": {
    "context": "37D1070720325969AC6C47ACE8B9BFF91533560416423"


Path Parameters
  • Job context identifier value that can be used to correlate the response to the original asynchronous job. Depending on how the asynchronous job was initiated will determine whether there is a context value and what the context value is.

Query Parameters
  • Comma-delimited string of field names that you do not want in the response. Nested fields can be identified using a dot to separate the field names. Field names are case-sensitive. Field names are ignored if the field does not exist. To reference the fields of the collection the field name can be prepended with the @ character (for example, @hasMore).

  • Comma-separated list of link relation names to exclude from the response.

  • Comma-delimited string of field names that you want in the response. Nested properties can be identified using a dot to separate the field names. Field names are case-sensitive. Field names are ignored if the field does not exist. To reference the fields of the collection the field name can be prepended with the @ character (for example, @hasMore).

  • Positive integer value that specifies the maximum number of items returned in the response. If not specified the service will choose an appropriate limit.

  • Comma-separated list of link relation names to include in the response. By default, all links are returned.

    The following links are provided by this resource:

    Link RelationshipDescription
    parentDescribes where the parent resource can be read. Equivalent to an up link, this link provides the link to the parent resource, such as the collection resource that contains a singular resource.
    selfDescribes the current returned representation of the resource. Used for links that represent the resource itself. For example, if a resource is returned as part of a collection, the self link will provide the URL path for the individual resource.
    canonicalDescribes the preferred representation of the requested resource. Used for links that represent the canonical form of the resource. For example, if a resource is returned as part of a collection, the canonical link will provide the URL path for the canonical form of the individual resource.
    childDescribes where a related or child resource can be read. Child links are returned in expandable properties and provide the location where unexpanded relationship details can be read.
    prevDescribes the previous page of results, if a previous page exists. Used with collection resources to provide a previous-page link based on the response to a paged request that specified the offset and limit query parameters.
    nextDescribes the next page of results, if a next page exists. Used with collection resources to provide a next-page link based on the response to a paged request that specified the offset and limit query parameters.
    search-formDescribes where the search form can be read that explains the query syntax that can be used. The search form provides details of what search criteria can be used to search a resource.
    describedByDescribes the schema resource providing metadata information about the resource. Used on collection, singular and relation resources to indicate where the schema resource is that describes the resource.
  • Non-negative integer value that specifies the index of the first item to be returned. The offset index begins at zero. By default, the offset is zero, which returns items starting from the first item in the collection.

  • Query expression that controls which items are returned in the collection. If a query expression is not provided no filtering is applied to the items.

    The following fields and operators can be used in the q query parameter:

    Field NameSupported Operators
    statusEquals (eq)

    These operators are described below:


    Equals operator. The attribute and operator values are identical.

  • Specify the resource representation that should be used to control the response fields and links. If no representation is specified, the client-defined representation is returned, based on the values of the fields, excludeFields, links, excludeLinks and expand query parameters.

    The following representations are supported with the return query parameter:

    representationFull resource representation includes all properties and links and expands most relationships.
    defaultDefault resource representation includes most properties and links.
    basicBasic resource representation includes some properties and some links.
    minimalMinimal resource representation, includes essential properties and no links.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • items

    Collection of Site Page Refresh Item elements.

    Introduced in release 20.2.2.
Match All
Show Source
  • CollectionResource

    All collections returned by REST APIs extend the standard collection definition. The definition provides information about the total number of items, the offset and limit details for the items returned, the number of items and an indicator to whether there are more items available.

Nested Schema : items
Type: array

Collection of Site Page Refresh Item elements.

Introduced in release 20.2.2.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CollectionResource

All collections returned by REST APIs extend the standard collection definition. The definition provides information about the total number of items, the offset and limit details for the items returned, the number of items and an indicator to whether there are more items available.

Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : SingularResource
Type: object

All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

Show Source
  • links
Nested Schema : CollectionResource-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
  • Total number of resources in the response.

  • Collection has more elements that match the request. Indicates whether there are more items to be returned when a paged request is made and the page was not big enough to return all elements.

  • Actual response size limit used. If the request specifies too large a limit, or does not specify a limit then the response will specify the limit used.

  • Actual response offset used. If the request specifies no offset then the actual offset is provided in the response.

  • Total number of resources that match the request. If provided, this is the total number of available items. If not specified the total is not known, or is not viable to return. Paging limits or offsets are ignored when calculating this value. Only returned if the totalResults parameter is supported and is set to true by the client.

Nested Schema : items
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : SitePageRefreshItem

Status details for an individual page in a site refresh job.

Introduced in release 20.2.2.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : SitePageRefreshItem-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
  • error

    Error details for an individual page that has failed to refresh in a site refresh job.

    Introduced in release 20.2.2.
  • The page URL of an individual page in a site refresh job.

    Introduced in release 20.2.2.
  • The current status of an individual page in a site refresh job.

    Valid values are:

    • pending - Job has been queued
    • processing - Job is processing
    • complete - Job has completed
    • failed - Job has failed

    Introduced in release 20.2.2.
Nested Schema : error
Type: object

Error details for an individual page that has failed to refresh in a site refresh job.

Introduced in release 20.2.2.
Example Response (List Pages with Paging)

400 Response

Bad Request

401 Response


403 Response


404 Response

Not Found
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : SiteJobNotFoundExceptionDetail
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : ExceptionDetail
Type: object

In addition to HTTP error code and error messages, it is often desirable to provide additional information to the client when a request fails. In such cases, the additional information will be included in the response body.

Show Source
Nested Schema : SiteJobNotFoundExceptionDetail-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : o:errorDetails
Type: array

Multiple errors can be organized in a hierarchical structure.

Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Match All
Show Source
  • ExceptionDetail

    In addition to HTTP error code and error messages, it is often desirable to provide additional information to the client when a request fails. In such cases, the additional information will be included in the response body.

Example Response (Site Job Not Found)
    "title":"Site Job Not Found",
    "detail":"Job does not exist or has been deleted, or the authenticated user or client application does not have access to the job.",

406 Response

Not Acceptable

416 Response

Range Not Satisfiable

429 Response

Too Many Requests

500 Response

Internal Server Error

501 Response

Not Implemented

502 Response

Bad Gateway

503 Response

Service Unavailable

504 Response

Gateway Timeout
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