Get the User or Application That Created the Template




User or client application that created this template.


To access this relationship requires read access to the parent resource.

Path Alternative Identifiers

The default identifier for a Template resource is the Template Identifier. The Template resource supports alternative identifiers.

nameTemplate Name

Instead of the template identifier, the template name can be used to uniquely identify a template in the resource path. The default resource path parameter for a template is the template identifier, but when working with templates the human-readable template name is sometimes easier.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.

Successful Response Examples

This operation responds with the following success (2xx) responses. For a full list of response HTTP status codes and example bodies, consult the Response section of this operation.

200OK - User



Response Body

  "type": "user",
  "id": "1234",
  "name": "value",
  "displayName": "John Smith",
  "roles": [
  "userName": "jsmith",
  "email": ""

200OK - Client Application



Response Body

  "type": "application",
  "id": "1234",
  "name": "value",
  "displayName": "John Smith",
  "roles": [

200OK - Service



Response Body

  "type": "service",
  "id": "1234",
  "name": "value",
  "displayName": "John Smith",
  "roles": [

200OK - Unknown Identity



Response Body

  "type": "unknown",
  "id": "1234",
  "name": "value",
  "displayName": "John Smith",
  "roles": [
  "userName": "jsmith"

Client Error Response Examples

This operation responds with following client error (4xx) responses with exception details in the response body. For a full list of response HTTP status codes and example bodies, consult the Response section of this operation.

404Not Found - Template Name Ambiguous

The name provided does not uniquely identify a template. If a deleted template is referenced by name and there are multiple deleted templates with the same name this error will occur. This error provides details of the deleted templates with the same name.

Error Code


Resolution - Use the Template Identifier

Use the unique template identifier instead of the name to identify the template.

Exception Detail Fields

This error type includes the following fields/values in the response:

Field NameDescription
templateTemplate that does not exist or is not visible to the authenticated user.
templatesTemplates that match on name.

For detailed information about this exception detail type, consult the TemplateNameAmbiguousExceptionDetail schema in the definitions section of the swagger document.

Example Response Body
  "type": "",
  "title": "Template Name Ambiguous",
  "status": "404",
  "detail": "Multiple templates exist with an identifier of '{}'.",
  "o:errorCode": "OCE-SITEMGMT-009088",
  "template": {
    "id": "F30F08EB205D44AD20B5A48D1B1B3DD7D74F45978AB6"
  "templates": [
        "id": "F30F08EB205D44AD20B5A48D1B1B3DD7D74F45978AB6",
        "name": "CafeSupremo",
        "themeName": "value",
        "author": "value",
        "longDescription": "value",
        "defaultLanguage": "en-US",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "granularSecurity": {
          "enabled": false
        "createdAt": "2019-06-01T06:44:17.000Z",
        "isEnterprise": false,
        "description": "A folder for my assets.",
        "lastModifiedAt": "2019-06-01T06:44:17.000Z",
        "thumbnail": {
          "url": "",
          "imageType": "thumbnail"

Introduced in release 20.1.1.

404Not Found - Template Not Found

The site template does not exist or has been deleted, or the authenticated user or client application does not have access to the template.

Error Code


Resolution - Check Identifier

Check that the template identifier is valid.

Resolution - Check Membership

Check that the authenticated user is a member of the template or a site administrator.

Exception Detail Fields

This error type includes the following fields/values in the response:

Field NameDescription
templateTemplate that does not exist or is not visible to the authenticated user.

For detailed information about this exception detail type, consult the TemplateNotFoundExceptionDetail schema in the definitions section of the swagger document.

Example Response Body
  "type": "",
  "title": "Template Not Found",
  "status": "404",
  "detail": "Template does not exist or has been deleted, or the authenticated user or client application does not have access to the template.",
  "o:errorCode": "OCE-SITEMGMT-009000",
  "template": {
    "id": "F30F08EB205D44AD20B5A48D1B1B3DD7D74F45978AB6"

404Not Found - Relationship Not Found

An attempt to read a relationship has failed because the relationship does not exist. Reading a relationship can fail if the relationship no longer exists or the authenticated identity is not authorized to read the relationship details.

Error Code


Example Response Body
  "type": "",
  "title": "Relationship Not Found",
  "status": "404",
  "detail": "Relationship resource not found. There is a relationship to a resource, but the resource at the end of the relationship does not exist, or the authenticated identity cannot see the resource.",
  "o:errorCode": "PAAS-005027"

This resource represents the relationship between a Template and Identity resource. If the Identity has been deleted or the authenticated user is not authorized to read the resource then the response status code will be 404 Not Found and a Relationship Not Found error will be returned in the response body.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Comma-delimited string of field names that should not be included in the response.

  • Comma-separated list of link relation names to exclude from the response.

  • Comma-delimited string of field names to include in the response. Nested fields can be identified using a dot to separate the field names. Field names are case-sensitive. Field names are ignored if the field does not exist.

  • Resources that have been marked for deletion can be read, modified, and support extended operations as long this query parameter is set to true. When the includeDeleted query parameter is not sent then the response to read, modification, and extended operations will be identical to that which would be returned if the resource was permanently deleted.

  • Comma-separated list of link relation names to include in the response. By default, all links are returned.

    The following links are provided by this resource:

    Link RelationshipDescription
    parentDescribes where the parent resource can be read. Equivalent to an up link, this link provides the link to the parent resource, such as the collection resource that contains a singular resource.
    selfDescribes the current returned representation of the resource. Used for links that represent the resource itself. For example, if a resource is returned as part of a collection, the self link will provide the URL path for the individual resource.
    canonicalDescribes the preferred representation of the requested resource. Used for links that represent the canonical form of the resource. For example, if a resource is returned as part of a collection, the canonical link will provide the URL path for the canonical form of the individual resource.
    describedByDescribes the schema resource providing metadata information about the resource. Used on collection, singular and relation resources to indicate where the schema resource is that describes the resource.
  • Specify the resource representation that should be used to control the response fields and links. If no representation is specified, the client-defined representation is returned, based on the values of the fields, excludeFields, links, excludeLinks and expand query parameters.

    The following representations are supported with the return query parameter:

    representationFull resource representation includes all properties and links and expands most relationships.
    defaultDefault resource representation includes most properties and links.
    basicBasic resource representation includes some properties and some links.
    minimalMinimal resource representation, includes essential properties and no links.
Back to Top


Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : Identity
Discriminator: type

Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Match All
Show Source
  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • Identity-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : SingularResource
Type: object

All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

Show Source
  • links
Nested Schema : Identity-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
  • Human-readable display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
  • An identifier value allocated by CEC for the user or client application. The identifier is unique within the scope of the service.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
  • Unique name, such as the user name or client application name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
  • roles


    Valid values are:

    • CECServiceAdministrator - Service Administrator
    • Assign user enumerates
    • Change user passwords and challenge questions
    • Configure, monitor, and manage service instances
    • CECSitesAdministrator - Sites Administrator
    • Create sites, templates, themes or components
    • CECRepositoryAdministrator - Repository Administrator
    • CECDeveloperUser - Developer User
    • CECContentAdministrator - Content Administrator
    • Create new content types and publish items
    • CECStandardUser - Standard User
    • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
    • Share content and sites with others
    • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
    • Follow people
    • Create, edit, and publish sites
    • Manage and publish site themes
    • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
    • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
    • View and interact with content items in sites
    • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
    • CECEnterpriseUser - Enterprise User
    • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
    • Share content and sites with others
    • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
    • Follow people
    • Digital Assets
    • Content Items (editorial content management)
    • Create, manage, view, and interact with content items
    • Collections
    • Create, edit, and publish sites
    • Manage and publish site themes
    • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
    • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
    • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
    • CECExternalUser - External User
    Reserved for future use.
    • CECIntegrationUser - Integration User
    Used to impersonate another user while performing operations through the Social REST endpoints of the REST API for Collaboration.
    • CECSitesVisitor - Sites Visitor
    Access sites restricted to visitors.

    Introduced in release 21.10.2.
  • Type of Identity. Valid values are: user, service, application, unknown.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array


Valid values are:

  • CECServiceAdministrator - Service Administrator
  • Assign user enumerates
  • Change user passwords and challenge questions
  • Configure, monitor, and manage service instances
  • CECSitesAdministrator - Sites Administrator
  • Create sites, templates, themes or components
  • CECRepositoryAdministrator - Repository Administrator
  • CECDeveloperUser - Developer User
  • CECContentAdministrator - Content Administrator
  • Create new content types and publish items
  • CECStandardUser - Standard User
  • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
  • Share content and sites with others
  • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
  • Follow people
  • Create, edit, and publish sites
  • Manage and publish site themes
  • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
  • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
  • View and interact with content items in sites
  • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
  • CECEnterpriseUser - Enterprise User
  • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
  • Share content and sites with others
  • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
  • Follow people
  • Digital Assets
  • Content Items (editorial content management)
  • Create, manage, view, and interact with content items
  • Collections
  • Create, edit, and publish sites
  • Manage and publish site themes
  • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
  • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
  • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
  • CECExternalUser - External User
Reserved for future use.
  • CECIntegrationUser - Integration User
Used to impersonate another user while performing operations through the Social REST endpoints of the REST API for Collaboration.
  • CECSitesVisitor - Sites Visitor
Access sites restricted to visitors.

Introduced in release 21.10.2.
Show Source
Example Response (User)
    "displayName":"John Smith",

400 Response

Bad Request

401 Response


403 Response


404 Response

Not Found
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : TemplateNameAmbiguousExceptionDetail
Introduced in release 20.1.1.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : ExceptionDetail
Type: object

In addition to HTTP error code and error messages, it is often desirable to provide additional information to the client when a request fails. In such cases, the additional information will be included in the response body.

Show Source
Nested Schema : TemplateNameAmbiguousExceptionDetail-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : o:errorDetails
Type: array

Multiple errors can be organized in a hierarchical structure.

Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Match All
Show Source
  • ExceptionDetail

    In addition to HTTP error code and error messages, it is often desirable to provide additional information to the client when a request fails. In such cases, the additional information will be included in the response body.

Nested Schema : templates
Type: array

Templates that match on name.

Introduced in release 20.1.1.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Match All
Show Source
  • Template

    A site template provides a way of managing site creation with an associated approval policy. A site template can be in draft or available status, with only available templates offered to users that wish to create new sites. An approval policy associated with a site template defines how site requests created from the template are approved, such as requiring a site administrator to approve the request. Site templates have an associated thumbnail and image set that can be used to show a visual representation of the site that can be created. Site templates have a relationship to the physical template artifacts in the form of a site folder resource.

Nested Schema : Template

A site template provides a way of managing site creation with an associated approval policy. A site template can be in draft or available status, with only available templates offered to users that wish to create new sites. An approval policy associated with a site template defines how site requests created from the template are approved, such as requiring a site administrator to approve the request. Site templates have an associated thumbnail and image set that can be used to show a visual representation of the site that can be created. Site templates have a relationship to the physical template artifacts in the form of a site folder resource.

Match All
Show Source
  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • Template-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : SingularResource
Type: object

All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

Show Source
  • links
Nested Schema : Template-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdBy

User or client application that created this template.

Match All
Show Source
  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : granularSecurity

The granular security settings for the template.

Introduced in release 22.8.2.
Match All
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  • GranularSecurity

    Defines the granular security settings.

    Granular security restricts the actions an authenticated user or client application can perform on a resource.

    Introduced in release 22.8.2.
Nested Schema : lastModifiedBy

User, client application or service that last modified this template.

Match All
Show Source
  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : localizationPolicy

Enterprise templates, when imported, create an associated localization policy. This localization policy is then associated with the template. For standard templates there is no localization policy.

Introduced in release 19.2.3.
Match All
Show Source
  • LocalizationPolicy

    Localization policies are the translation rules applied to any text assets in a repository. These policies do not apply to digital assets such as images. That content is classified as non-translatable when it is uploaded. But content items can have multiple translated versions associated with the original item, which is considered the master copy.

    When an item is localized, a copy of the item is made for the language. For example, there may be a blog post about the newest Android tablet that is translated into French and Spanish with the master copy in English. Each version of the blog post exists as a separate entity. It can be edited as needed and can be at a different stage of asset life cycle than the others. The French version could be in review, while the Spanish version could be published. There may be two or three content versions of the post, each of which can be translated and have a different status applied to it.

Nested Schema : members
Type: object

Users and groups the template has been shared with.

Introduced in release 19.4.3.
Show Source
Match All
Show Source
  • CollectionResource

    All collections returned by REST APIs extend the standard collection definition. The definition provides information about the total number of items, the offset and limit details for the items returned, the number of items and an indicator to whether there are more items available.

Nested Schema : ownedBy

User or client application that owns this template.

Match All
Show Source
  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : permissions
Type: object

User permissions for the template.

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
Show Source
  • annotation

    Set of annotation permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • read - Read annotation
    • write - Write an annotation
    • update - Update annotation
    • delete - Delete annotation

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • conversation

    Set of conversation permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • read - Read a conversation
    • write - Write to a conversation
    • update - Update a conversation
    • delete - Delete a conversation

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • file

    Set of file level permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • preview - Preview file
    • read - Read file
    • write - Write to file
    • update - Update file
    • delete - Delete file

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • links
  • members

    Set of members permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • read - Read and list members
    • add - Add to members
    • update - Update members
    • remove - Remove members

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • self

    Set of folder level permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • preview - Preview folder
    • read - Read folder
    • write - Write to folder
    • update - Update folder
    • delete - Delete folder

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • shareLink
Nested Schema : policy

When a policy is created, the policy is associated with a template. If no policy is associated with a template no policy details will be available.

Match All
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  • Policy

    A policy controls how a request to perform a site-related operation is approved and whether there are any particular restrictions or defaults to apply when that operation is performed.

    A policy is associated with a resource, for example a site creation policy can be associated with a site template. A site creation policy, for example, could specify that site administrator approval is required to create a site from a particular site template and that site template has a security level of domain users only.

    A policy can be marked as inactive which prevents the operation from being performed or requested.

Nested Schema : theme

Theme associated with the template. When sites are created from the template the sites are also associated with the theme. Published changes to the theme will affect the live site.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
Match All
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  • Theme

    A theme defines the general look-and-feel and the overall style of a site, including color scheme, font size, font type, and page backgrounds. Themes provide visual consistency between the pages in the site. You adjust the design and add content to create a site that sells your style, your brand, and your vision.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
Nested Schema : thumbnail

Thumbnail image. If available, this is the image suitable for displaying as thumbnail when displaying this site template.

Match All
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  • Image

    Site and site template thumbnail or preview image details.

Nested Schema : Identity
Discriminator: type

Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Match All
Show Source
  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • Identity-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : Identity-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
  • Human-readable display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
  • An identifier value allocated by CEC for the user or client application. The identifier is unique within the scope of the service.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
  • Unique name, such as the user name or client application name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
  • roles


    Valid values are:

    • CECServiceAdministrator - Service Administrator
    • Assign user enumerates
    • Change user passwords and challenge questions
    • Configure, monitor, and manage service instances
    • CECSitesAdministrator - Sites Administrator
    • Create sites, templates, themes or components
    • CECRepositoryAdministrator - Repository Administrator
    • CECDeveloperUser - Developer User
    • CECContentAdministrator - Content Administrator
    • Create new content types and publish items
    • CECStandardUser - Standard User
    • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
    • Share content and sites with others
    • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
    • Follow people
    • Create, edit, and publish sites
    • Manage and publish site themes
    • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
    • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
    • View and interact with content items in sites
    • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
    • CECEnterpriseUser - Enterprise User
    • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
    • Share content and sites with others
    • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
    • Follow people
    • Digital Assets
    • Content Items (editorial content management)
    • Create, manage, view, and interact with content items
    • Collections
    • Create, edit, and publish sites
    • Manage and publish site themes
    • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
    • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
    • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
    • CECExternalUser - External User
    Reserved for future use.
    • CECIntegrationUser - Integration User
    Used to impersonate another user while performing operations through the Social REST endpoints of the REST API for Collaboration.
    • CECSitesVisitor - Sites Visitor
    Access sites restricted to visitors.

    Introduced in release 21.10.2.
  • Type of Identity. Valid values are: user, service, application, unknown.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array


Valid values are:

  • CECServiceAdministrator - Service Administrator
  • Assign user enumerates
  • Change user passwords and challenge questions
  • Configure, monitor, and manage service instances
  • CECSitesAdministrator - Sites Administrator
  • Create sites, templates, themes or components
  • CECRepositoryAdministrator - Repository Administrator
  • CECDeveloperUser - Developer User
  • CECContentAdministrator - Content Administrator
  • Create new content types and publish items
  • CECStandardUser - Standard User
  • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
  • Share content and sites with others
  • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
  • Follow people
  • Create, edit, and publish sites
  • Manage and publish site themes
  • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
  • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
  • View and interact with content items in sites
  • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
  • CECEnterpriseUser - Enterprise User
  • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
  • Share content and sites with others
  • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
  • Follow people
  • Digital Assets
  • Content Items (editorial content management)
  • Create, manage, view, and interact with content items
  • Collections
  • Create, edit, and publish sites
  • Manage and publish site themes
  • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
  • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
  • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
  • CECExternalUser - External User
Reserved for future use.
  • CECIntegrationUser - Integration User
Used to impersonate another user while performing operations through the Social REST endpoints of the REST API for Collaboration.
  • CECSitesVisitor - Sites Visitor
Access sites restricted to visitors.

Introduced in release 21.10.2.
Show Source
Nested Schema : GranularSecurity
Type: object

Defines the granular security settings.

Granular security restricts the actions an authenticated user or client application can perform on a resource.

Introduced in release 22.8.2.
Show Source
Nested Schema : LocalizationPolicy

Localization policies are the translation rules applied to any text assets in a repository. These policies do not apply to digital assets such as images. That content is classified as non-translatable when it is uploaded. But content items can have multiple translated versions associated with the original item, which is considered the master copy.

When an item is localized, a copy of the item is made for the language. For example, there may be a blog post about the newest Android tablet that is translated into French and Spanish with the master copy in English. Each version of the blog post exists as a separate entity. It can be edited as needed and can be at a different stage of asset life cycle than the others. The French version could be in review, while the Spanish version could be published. There may be two or three content versions of the post, each of which can be translated and have a different status applied to it.

Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : LocalizationPolicy-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate

Date and time the policy was created.

Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : optionalValues
Type: array

Optional language values.

Show Source
Nested Schema : requiredValues
Type: array

Required language values.

Show Source
Nested Schema : updatedDate

Date and time the policy was last updated.

Match All
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Nested Schema : DateTimeZone
Type: object

Date, time and time zone.

Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array

Collection of Template Member elements.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CollectionResource

All collections returned by REST APIs extend the standard collection definition. The definition provides information about the total number of items, the offset and limit details for the items returned, the number of items and an indicator to whether there are more items available.

Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : CollectionResource-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
  • Total number of resources in the response.

  • Collection has more elements that match the request. Indicates whether there are more items to be returned when a paged request is made and the page was not big enough to return all elements.

  • Actual response size limit used. If the request specifies too large a limit, or does not specify a limit then the response will specify the limit used.

  • Actual response offset used. If the request specifies no offset then the actual offset is provided in the response.

  • Total number of resources that match the request. If provided, this is the total number of available items. If not specified the total is not known, or is not viable to return. Paging limits or offsets are ignored when calculating this value. Only returned if the totalResults parameter is supported and is set to true by the client.

Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • Display name for the user, client application or group.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • group

    Group details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of group.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • If the member is a group, then the type of group is specified. If the member is a user this field is not present.

    Valid values are:

    • oce - Content management group
    • idp - identity provider group

    Introduced in release 20.1.1.
  • Identifier for the user, client application or group member.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • Will be set to true if the associated user or client application has only the external user role.

    Introduced in release 21.10.2.
  • Unique name for the user, client application or group. If the member is a user the name is the user name. If the member is a group the name is the group name.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • Sharing role that the user, client application or group has been given.

    Valid values are:

    • owner - User is the owner
    • manager - User has Manager role
    • contributor - User has Contributor role
    • downloader - User has Downloader role
    • viewer - User has Viewer role

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • Indicates the member is a user, client application or group.

    Valid values are:

    • user - Member is a user or a client application. No distinction is made between a member that is a user or a
    member that is a client application.
    • group - Member is a group

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • user

    User or client application details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of user. A member can be a user, client application or group. The details of both users and client applications can be read.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
Nested Schema : group

Group details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of group.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • Group

    A group is a collection of users and groups. A group has a human readable group name.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
Nested Schema : user

User or client application details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of user. A member can be a user, client application or group. The details of both users and client applications can be read.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : Group

A group is a collection of users and groups. A group has a human readable group name.

Introduced in release 19.3.1.
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  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • Group-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : Group-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
  • Human-readable name for the group.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • Group name that is unique within the service instance.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • Unique identifer for the group.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • roles


    Valid values are:

    • CECServiceAdministrator - Service Administrator
    • Assign user enumerates
    • Change user passwords and challenge questions
    • Configure, monitor, and manage service instances
    • CECSitesAdministrator - Sites Administrator
    • Create sites, templates, themes or components
    • CECRepositoryAdministrator - Repository Administrator
    • CECDeveloperUser - Developer User
    • CECContentAdministrator - Content Administrator
    • Create new content types and publish items
    • CECStandardUser - Standard User
    • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
    • Share content and sites with others
    • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
    • Follow people
    • Create, edit, and publish sites
    • Manage and publish site themes
    • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
    • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
    • View and interact with content items in sites
    • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
    • CECEnterpriseUser - Enterprise User
    • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
    • Share content and sites with others
    • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
    • Follow people
    • Digital Assets
    • Content Items (editorial content management)
    • Create, manage, view, and interact with content items
    • Collections
    • Create, edit, and publish sites
    • Manage and publish site themes
    • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
    • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
    • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
    • CECExternalUser - External User
    Reserved for future use.
    • CECIntegrationUser - Integration User
    Used to impersonate another user while performing operations through the Social REST endpoints of the REST API for Collaboration.
    • CECSitesVisitor - Sites Visitor
    Access sites restricted to visitors.

    Introduced in release 21.10.2.
  • Type of the group.

    Valid values are:

    • oce - Content management group
    • idp - identity provider group

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array


Valid values are:

  • CECServiceAdministrator - Service Administrator
  • Assign user enumerates
  • Change user passwords and challenge questions
  • Configure, monitor, and manage service instances
  • CECSitesAdministrator - Sites Administrator
  • Create sites, templates, themes or components
  • CECRepositoryAdministrator - Repository Administrator
  • CECDeveloperUser - Developer User
  • CECContentAdministrator - Content Administrator
  • Create new content types and publish items
  • CECStandardUser - Standard User
  • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
  • Share content and sites with others
  • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
  • Follow people
  • Create, edit, and publish sites
  • Manage and publish site themes
  • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
  • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
  • View and interact with content items in sites
  • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
  • CECEnterpriseUser - Enterprise User
  • Manage content (view, upload, and edit documents)
  • Share content and sites with others
  • Use conversations to collaborate (discuss topics, direct message someone, assign flags to someone, add annotations to documents)
  • Follow people
  • Digital Assets
  • Content Items (editorial content management)
  • Create, manage, view, and interact with content items
  • Collections
  • Create, edit, and publish sites
  • Manage and publish site themes
  • Create, register, export, and import custom site components
  • Create, edit, export, and import site templates
  • Manage and view custom properties and edit values
  • CECExternalUser - External User
Reserved for future use.
  • CECIntegrationUser - Integration User
Used to impersonate another user while performing operations through the Social REST endpoints of the REST API for Collaboration.
  • CECSitesVisitor - Sites Visitor
Access sites restricted to visitors.

Introduced in release 21.10.2.
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Nested Schema : annotation
Type: array

Set of annotation permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • read - Read annotation
  • write - Write an annotation
  • update - Update annotation
  • delete - Delete annotation

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : conversation
Type: array

Set of conversation permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • read - Read a conversation
  • write - Write to a conversation
  • update - Update a conversation
  • delete - Delete a conversation

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : file
Type: array

Set of file level permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • preview - Preview file
  • read - Read file
  • write - Write to file
  • update - Update file
  • delete - Delete file

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : members
Type: array

Set of members permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • read - Read and list members
  • add - Add to members
  • update - Update members
  • remove - Remove members

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : self
Type: array

Set of folder level permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • preview - Preview folder
  • read - Read folder
  • write - Write to folder
  • update - Update folder
  • delete - Delete folder

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : Policy

A policy controls how a request to perform a site-related operation is approved and whether there are any particular restrictions or defaults to apply when that operation is performed.

A policy is associated with a resource, for example a site creation policy can be associated with a site template. A site creation policy, for example, could specify that site administrator approval is required to create a site from a particular site template and that site template has a security level of domain users only.

A policy can be marked as inactive which prevents the operation from being performed or requested.

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  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • Policy-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : Policy-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
  • access

    List of users and groups who have the ability to perform the operation associated with the policy. For example, the list of users and groups who can create a site from a template. If the access list is empty all users can perform the policy operation. The access list is only used if the accessType of the policy is set to restricted.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • Determines whether the policy is applicable to everyone, or to just the users that are part of the access list.

    Valid values are:

    • everyone - Policy, when active, is applicable to everyone
    • restricted - Policy, when active, is applicable to users that are part of the access list

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • When a request is made that is associated with this policy, the request will require the type of approval defined by the policy. If the type of approval is automatic then the request will not require manual approval.

    Valid values are:

    • automatic - A request will automatically be approved without any human approval process involved
    • admin - Any user with the site administrator role can approve the associated request
    • named - Site creation will require approval from one user that is a member of the approvers list associated with the policy

  • approvers

    List of users and groups who have the ability to approve any request associated with the policy. For example, the list of users and groups who can approve creating a site from a template. The approval list is only used if the approval type is set to named approvers.

    Introduced in release 19.3.3.
  • expiration

    When a site is created an expiration date can be set on the site if the policy associated with the site template has a site expiration period set. When a site has expired the site cannot be activated unless the expiration period is extended.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • Globally unique identifier for a policy.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

  • If a localization policy is not allowed, then the requester will not be permitted to specify a localization policy at the time of requesting a site. The localization policy associated with the template will be used. If a localization policy is allowed, then the requester must specify one at the time of requesting a site. This property can be set only when the template associated with the policy is an enterprise templates.

    Introduced in release 19.2.3.
  • repository

    When a policy is created, or edited, the policy can be associated with an asset repository. When a new site is requested, the site will be associated with the policy-defined asset repository. The user cannot specify a repository when creating a new a site if the repository is set on the policy. If there is no asset repository associated with the policy, then an asset repository can be specified when the user creates a new site. An asset repository can be only associated with a policy if the policy is associated with an enterprise template. Standard sites do not get associated with an asset repository.

    Introduced in release 19.2.3.
  • Every time a policy is edited, the revision number is incremented. Revision numbers start at zero. The revision number can be used to see if a policy has changed since it was last requested as the revision is also used as the strong ETag value for this resource.

  • security

    Security policy for site creation policies. The security policy specifies the minimum level of security a site can have.

  • If true, a request for a new site can include an explicit site prefix. If false, then a site prefix must not be provided and will be generated automatically. This property can be set only when the template associated with the policy is an enterprise templates.

    Introduced in release 19.2.3.
  • The policy status specifies whether the policy can be used to perform the operation associated with the policy. If the policy status is inactive then the operation cannot be performed. If the policy status is active then the operation can be performed. For example, for a policy associated with a site template, a status of active means that users can create sites from that site template.

    Valid values are:

    • inactive - Policy that is marked as inactive means the associated operation cannot be requested
    • active - Policy that is marked as active means the associated operation can be requested

Nested Schema : access
Type: object

List of users and groups who have the ability to perform the operation associated with the policy. For example, the list of users and groups who can create a site from a template. If the access list is empty all users can perform the policy operation. The access list is only used if the accessType of the policy is set to restricted.

Introduced in release 19.3.1.
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  • CollectionResource

    All collections returned by REST APIs extend the standard collection definition. The definition provides information about the total number of items, the offset and limit details for the items returned, the number of items and an indicator to whether there are more items available.

Nested Schema : approvers
Type: object

List of users and groups who have the ability to approve any request associated with the policy. For example, the list of users and groups who can approve creating a site from a template. The approval list is only used if the approval type is set to named approvers.

Introduced in release 19.3.3.
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  • items

    Collection of Policy Approvers Member elements.

    Introduced in release 19.3.3.
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  • CollectionResource

    All collections returned by REST APIs extend the standard collection definition. The definition provides information about the total number of items, the offset and limit details for the items returned, the number of items and an indicator to whether there are more items available.

Nested Schema : expiration

When a site is created an expiration date can be set on the site if the policy associated with the site template has a site expiration period set. When a site has expired the site cannot be activated unless the expiration period is extended.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • SiteExpirationPeriod

    Site expiration is expressed as a unit of time and and an amount. For example, expire a site two months after the site is created.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
Nested Schema : repository

When a policy is created, or edited, the policy can be associated with an asset repository. When a new site is requested, the site will be associated with the policy-defined asset repository. The user cannot specify a repository when creating a new a site if the repository is set on the policy. If there is no asset repository associated with the policy, then an asset repository can be specified when the user creates a new site. An asset repository can be only associated with a policy if the policy is associated with an enterprise template. Standard sites do not get associated with an asset repository.

Introduced in release 19.2.3.
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  • Repository

    Repositories are a storage location for files, both text and images. Repository administrators can create a repository with channel policies and localization policies designated for the repository. Multiple repositories can be created to handle different marketing needs.

    A repository can be used to manage all the assets you need in one place. For example, perhaps your company sells computer equipment. One repository could be set up to handle the files related to desktop computers. Another repository could be used for tablets. Each repository might contain photos, graphics, and content about the different kinds of computers. The assets in each repository are controlled by the policies you allocate to the repository.

Nested Schema : security

Security policy for site creation policies. The security policy specifies the minimum level of security a site can have.

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  • SecurityPolicy

    The security policy specifies the minimum level of security level a site will be allowed to have. The site will be created with this minimum level, and the site manager/owner can then set a more restrictive security level on the site if they wish. The manager/owner cannot select a security level that is less secure than the values specified on the sites security policy.

Nested Schema : items
Type: array

Collection of Policy Access Member elements.

Introduced in release 19.3.1.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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  • Display name for the user, client application or group.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • group

    Group details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of group.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • If the member is a group, then the type of group is specified. If the member is a user this field is not present.

    Valid values are:

    • oce - Content management group
    • idp - identity provider group

    Introduced in release 20.1.1.
  • Identifier for the user, client application or group member.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • Will be set to true if the associated user or client application has only the external user role.

    Introduced in release 21.10.2.
  • Unique name for the user, client application or group. If the member is a user the name is the user name. If the member is a group the name is the group name.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • Indicates the member is a user, client application or group.

    Valid values are:

    • user - Member is a user or a client application. No distinction is made between a member that is a user or a
    member that is a client application.
    • group - Member is a group

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
  • user

    User or client application details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of user. A member can be a user, client application or group. The details of both users and client applications can be read.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
Nested Schema : group

Group details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of group.

Introduced in release 19.3.1.
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  • Group

    A group is a collection of users and groups. A group has a human readable group name.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
Nested Schema : user

User or client application details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of user. A member can be a user, client application or group. The details of both users and client applications can be read.

Introduced in release 19.3.1.
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  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array

Collection of Policy Approvers Member elements.

Introduced in release 19.3.3.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • Display name for the user, client application or group.

    Introduced in release 19.3.3.
  • group

    Group details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of group.

    Introduced in release 19.3.3.
  • If the member is a group, then the type of group is specified. If the member is a user this field is not present.

    Valid values are:

    • oce - Content management group
    • idp - identity provider group

    Introduced in release 20.1.1.
  • Identifier for the user, client application or group member.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

    Introduced in release 19.3.3.
  • Will be set to true if the associated user or client application has only the external user role.

    Introduced in release 21.10.2.
  • Unique name for the user, client application or group. If the member is a user the name is the user name. If the member is a group the name is the group name.

    Introduced in release 19.3.3.
  • Indicates the member is a user, client application or group.

    Valid values are:

    • user - Member is a user or a client application. No distinction is made between a member that is a user or a
    member that is a client application.
    • group - Member is a group

    Introduced in release 19.3.3.
  • user

    User or client application details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of user. A member can be a user, client application or group. The details of both users and client applications can be read.

    Introduced in release 19.3.3.
Nested Schema : group

Group details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of group.

Introduced in release 19.3.3.
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  • Group

    A group is a collection of users and groups. A group has a human readable group name.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
Nested Schema : user

User or client application details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of user. A member can be a user, client application or group. The details of both users and client applications can be read.

Introduced in release 19.3.3.
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  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : SiteExpirationPeriod
Type: object

Site expiration is expressed as a unit of time and and an amount. For example, expire a site two months after the site is created.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • Amount of time used to measure site expiration.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • Unit of time used to measure site expiration.

    Valid values are:

    • months - Expiration expressed in the number of months
    • years - Expiration expressed in the number of years

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
Nested Schema : Repository

Repositories are a storage location for files, both text and images. Repository administrators can create a repository with channel policies and localization policies designated for the repository. Multiple repositories can be created to handle different marketing needs.

A repository can be used to manage all the assets you need in one place. For example, perhaps your company sells computer equipment. One repository could be set up to handle the files related to desktop computers. Another repository could be used for tablets. Each repository might contain photos, graphics, and content about the different kinds of computers. The assets in each repository are controlled by the policies you allocate to the repository.

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  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • Repository-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : Repository-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : channels
Type: array

Channels associated with the repository.

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Nested Schema : contentTypes
Type: array

Content types associated with the repository.

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Nested Schema : createdDate

Date and time the repository was created.

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Nested Schema : languageOptions
Type: array

Language options for the repository.

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Nested Schema : updatedDate

Date and time the repository was last updated.

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Nested Schema : items
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Nested Schema : ChannelId
Type: object

Channel identifier.

Show Source
  • Unique identifier for the repository.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

  • Short unique human-readable name to identify the channel.

Nested Schema : items
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Nested Schema : ContentTypeId
Type: object

Content type identifier.

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Nested Schema : SecurityPolicy
Type: object

The security policy specifies the minimum level of security level a site will be allowed to have. The site will be created with this minimum level, and the site manager/owner can then set a more restrictive security level on the site if they wish. The manager/owner cannot select a security level that is less secure than the values specified on the sites security policy.

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  • Define which types of users may access a site. Can include all users or be restricted to named users only.

    Valid values are:

    • named - Only named users within a specified level can access
    • all - All users within a specified level can access

  • Maximum open security level that can be set on a site.

    Valid values are:

    • service - Only service users
    • cloud - Only cloud users who can sign in to your domain
    • everyone - Anyone without signing in

Nested Schema : Theme

A theme defines the general look-and-feel and the overall style of a site, including color scheme, font size, font type, and page backgrounds. Themes provide visual consistency between the pages in the site. You adjust the design and add content to create a site that sells your style, your brand, and your vision.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • Theme-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : Theme-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdBy

User or client application that created this theme.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : job

Status for current job assigned to the theme.

Introduced in release 21.9.1.
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Nested Schema : lastModifiedBy

User, client application or service that last modified this theme.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : members
Type: object

Users and groups the theme has been shared with.

Introduced in release 19.4.3.
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Match All
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  • CollectionResource

    All collections returned by REST APIs extend the standard collection definition. The definition provides information about the total number of items, the offset and limit details for the items returned, the number of items and an indicator to whether there are more items available.

Nested Schema : ownedBy

User or client application that owns this theme.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : permissions
Type: object

User permissions for the theme.

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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  • annotation

    Set of annotation permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • read - Read annotation
    • write - Write an annotation
    • update - Update annotation
    • delete - Delete annotation

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • conversation

    Set of conversation permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • read - Read a conversation
    • write - Write to a conversation
    • update - Update a conversation
    • delete - Delete a conversation

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • file

    Set of file level permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • preview - Preview file
    • read - Read file
    • write - Write to file
    • update - Update file
    • delete - Delete file

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • links
  • members

    Set of members permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • read - Read and list members
    • add - Add to members
    • update - Update members
    • remove - Remove members

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • self

    Set of folder level permissions the user has.

    Valid values are:

    • preview - Preview folder
    • read - Read folder
    • write - Write to folder
    • update - Update folder
    • delete - Delete folder

    Introduced in release 22.7.2.
  • shareLink
Nested Schema : SiteJobStatus
Discriminator: action

Background job details for site jobs.

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  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • SiteJobStatus-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : SiteJobStatus-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
  • Type of Site Job Status. Valid values are: , translate, copy, publish, importTranslations, hardDelete, copyTheme, copyComponent, refresh, publishTheme.

  • Whether the asynchronous job is completed or not.

  • A number between 0 and 100, capturing how much of the process has been completed. If the asynchronous job has not started the percentage complete will not be provided. Not all background asynchronous jobs support granular process, so the percentage complete may jump from zero to one hundred without any steps.

  • Job context identifier value that can be used to correlate the response to the original asynchronous job. Depending on how the asynchronous job was initiated will determine whether there is a context value and what the context value is.

  • Time when the asynchronous job finished running, or when the asynchronous job failed. If the asynchronous job has not finished or failed (or not started) this property will not be present. Certain background jobs may not record a stop time, so if if the job has completed there may not be a stop time. Date and time values are in ISO 8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' format using a UTC timezone.

  • error

    Error details for the asynchronous job response when the job fails. This is only available if the asynchronous job has run but failed.

  • A number in milliseconds, as a hint to the client on how long the client should wait before checking the status again. Absence of this value means there is no suggested polling interval and the client can poll as required.

  • Human-readable message about the current processing status. This message can be used to communicate progress to the end user. Asynchronous requests or jobs may not provide a human-readable status message.

  • The current progress of the asynchronous job. These values indicate that the asynchronous job has ended: succeeded, failed, aborted. The value blocked means that the asynchronous job requires action, such as waiting for a human to approve something. The values that indicate the asynchronous job is in process are: pending, processing, paused.

    Valid values are:

    • pending - Request is waiting to run
    • processing - Request is running
    • succeeded - Request has completed successfully
    • failed - Request has failed
    A processing request failed before it was completed.
    • aborted - Request was aborted
    A processing request was aborted before it was completed.
    • paused - Request was running, but is now paused
    • blocked - Request is blocked
    Request requires action, such as waiting for a human to approve something.

  • HTTP status code of the asynchronous asynchronous job request. This status is not the status obtaining when querying the asynchronous job status, but the status response of the asynchronous job when it is completed. This value is only available after the asynchronous job has ended.

  • result

    It may be desirable to include the final result in the status resource so that the client can get the result when it polls the service for the status. The result is captured in this optional property. This property should only be used when the HTTP response can be efficiently returned inside the status resource. If this property is present, then the requestStatus property will be omitted to avoid duplication. The body of the response is a JSON object comprised of response-specific properties. Non-JSON response data may be supported either by Base64 encoding the non-JSON data as a byte string inside the body property or providing a link to the non-JSON resource in the 'links' property of the status resource.

  • Time when the asynchronous job started running. If the asynchronous job has not started this property will not be present. Certain background jobs may not record a start time, so if if the job has started there may not be a start time. Date and time values are in ISO 8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' format using a UTC timezone.

Nested Schema : error
Type: object

Error details for the asynchronous job response when the job fails. This is only available if the asynchronous job has run but failed.

Nested Schema : result

It may be desirable to include the final result in the status resource so that the client can get the result when it polls the service for the status. The result is captured in this optional property. This property should only be used when the HTTP response can be efficiently returned inside the status resource. If this property is present, then the requestStatus property will be omitted to avoid duplication. The body of the response is a JSON object comprised of response-specific properties. Non-JSON response data may be supported either by Base64 encoding the non-JSON data as a byte string inside the body property or providing a link to the non-JSON resource in the 'links' property of the status resource.

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  • HttpResponse

    Captures a HTTP response so that it can be returned as structured data, for example capturing a HTTP response for an asynchronous request.

Nested Schema : HttpResponse
Type: object

Captures a HTTP response so that it can be returned as structured data, for example capturing a HTTP response for an asynchronous request.

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Nested Schema : headers
Type: array

HTTP response headers.

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Nested Schema : status
Type: object

HTTP status code response value and reason.

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  • The corresponding HTTP status code for the exception. For exception that includes a resource does not exist would have a HTTP status of 404.

  • Short, human-readable summary of the status code.

Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array

Collection of Theme Member elements.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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  • Display name for the user, client application or group.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • group

    Group details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of group.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • If the member is a group, then the type of group is specified. If the member is a user this field is not present.

    Valid values are:

    • oce - Content management group
    • idp - identity provider group

    Introduced in release 20.1.1.
  • Identifier for the user, client application or group member.

    No assumptions should be made about the content of the field; the field should be treated as an opaque value.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • Will be set to true if the associated user or client application has only the external user role.

    Introduced in release 21.10.2.
  • Unique name for the user, client application or group. If the member is a user the name is the user name. If the member is a group the name is the group name.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • Sharing role that the user, client application or group has been given.

    Valid values are:

    • owner - User is the owner
    • manager - User has Manager role
    • contributor - User has Contributor role
    • downloader - User has Downloader role
    • viewer - User has Viewer role

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • Indicates the member is a user, client application or group.

    Valid values are:

    • user - Member is a user or a client application. No distinction is made between a member that is a user or a
    member that is a client application.
    • group - Member is a group

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
  • user

    User or client application details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of user. A member can be a user, client application or group. The details of both users and client applications can be read.

    Introduced in release 19.4.1.
Nested Schema : group

Group details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of group.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • Group

    A group is a collection of users and groups. A group has a human readable group name.

    Introduced in release 19.3.1.
Nested Schema : user

User or client application details of the member. Only available if the member has a type of user. A member can be a user, client application or group. The details of both users and client applications can be read.

Introduced in release 19.4.1.
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  • Identity
    Discriminator: type

    Identity representing a user or client application. The identity contains the common information such as the identity identifier, unique name and display name.

    Introduced in release 20.3.1.
Nested Schema : annotation
Type: array

Set of annotation permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • read - Read annotation
  • write - Write an annotation
  • update - Update annotation
  • delete - Delete annotation

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : conversation
Type: array

Set of conversation permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • read - Read a conversation
  • write - Write to a conversation
  • update - Update a conversation
  • delete - Delete a conversation

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : file
Type: array

Set of file level permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • preview - Preview file
  • read - Read file
  • write - Write to file
  • update - Update file
  • delete - Delete file

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : members
Type: array

Set of members permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • read - Read and list members
  • add - Add to members
  • update - Update members
  • remove - Remove members

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : self
Type: array

Set of folder level permissions the user has.

Valid values are:

  • preview - Preview folder
  • read - Read folder
  • write - Write to folder
  • update - Update folder
  • delete - Delete folder

Introduced in release 22.7.2.
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Nested Schema : Image

Site and site template thumbnail or preview image details.

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  • SingularResource

    All singular resources include the properties of the singular resource definition. A singular resource includes a list of links that provide relationships to other resources, or in the case of the self link the resource itself.

  • Image-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : Image-allOf[1]
Type: object
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Example Response (Template Name Ambiguous)
    "title":"Template Name Ambiguous",
    "detail":"Multiple templates exist with an identifier of '{}'.",
            "description":"A folder for my assets.",
Example Response (Template Not Found)
    "title":"Template Not Found",
    "detail":"Template does not exist or has been deleted, or the authenticated user or client application does not have access to the template.",
Example Response (Relationship Not Found)
    "title":"Relationship Not Found",
    "detail":"Relationship resource not found. There is a relationship to a resource, but the resource at the end of the relationship does not exist, or the authenticated identity cannot see the resource.",

406 Response

Not Acceptable

416 Response

Range Not Satisfiable

429 Response

Too Many Requests

500 Response

Internal Server Error

501 Response

Not Implemented

502 Response

Bad Gateway

503 Response

Service Unavailable

504 Response

Gateway Timeout
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