Add OCM Image Picker and Link Dialog Plug-ins for Rich Text Editor

Oracle Content Management (OCM) provides image picker and link dialog features in the form of plug-ins for rich text editor, TinyMCE.


You may see OCM being referred to as Oracle Content Experience (OCE), the legacy name, in the code snippets.

To use TinyMCE for displaying large text field in a custom content form and have image and link functionality similar to a standard form, add these external plugins with some additional configuration. The plug-ins are compatible with TinyMCE version 6.3.1.

To add and configure the plug-ins:

  1. Load tinymce from CDN.

    Create a TinyMCE account and register with tinymce to obtain the api-key and replace the <no-api-key> with your api-key in the URL.

    <!-- load TINYMCE from CDN-->
    <!-- obtain your own api-key for tinymce and replace the 'no-api-key'part of the url with your api-key-->
    <!-- Without actual api-key, tinymce editor will load with message prompting to register-->
    <script src="" referrerpolicy="origin"></script>


    Loading tinymce with the no-api-key option will load the TinyMCE editor with a prompt asking to register the domain.
  2. Initialize the tinymce instance for the Field that is of type largetext and set the Field object as value in editor.oceItemField
        selector: '<dom-element-selector>',
        // list of plugins needed
        plugins: ['<plugin1>', '<plugin2>'],
        //load oce link and image plugins as external plugins
        external_plugins: {
          assetimage: '/documents/static/gemini/api/tinymce-plugins/assetimage.js',
          assetlink: '/documents/static/gemini/api/tinymce-plugins/assetlink.js',
        // this property is important for the oce link plugin to work properly
        extended_valid_elements: 'a[*]',
        // other tinymce options
        // ....
        setup: function (editor) {
          editor = editor;
          // Note: set the current field in the editor
          // this must be set for the oce link and image plugins to work
          // this must be set for every tinymce editor instance.
          editor.oceItemField = field;