1 Learn About Migrating to Oracle Cloud Marketplace

Learn about the advantages of using Data Integration Platform Cloud in Oracle Cloud Marketplace, and get an overview of the procedure for migrating your Data Integration Platform Cloud instances to Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

About Oracle Cloud Marketplace

Oracle Cloud Marketplace is an online store—a one-stop shop—selling hundreds of business apps and professional services that complement your existing Oracle Cloud implementation.

Oracle Cloud Marketplace:

  • Offers a large collection of trusted and innovative apps in many business categories, including marketing, sales, customer service, social, and talent management.

    Like add-on or plug-in software, these apps provide enhanced functions or customizations for your existing Oracle Cloud implementation.

  • Offers an assortment of services, such as consulting, implementation, integration, and training, to help you transition to the cloud and improve the successful operation of your company.

Why Migrate to Oracle Cloud Marketplace

Oracle encourages you to migrate your existing cloud resources from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic regions. You gain several advantages by doing so.

In Oracle Cloud, you provision resources in specific regions, which are localized to geographic locations. Certain regions support the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure platform.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is Oracle's modern cloud platform that's based on the latest cloud technologies and standards. It provides more consistent performance and better features at lower costs. Oracle continues to invest in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, including the addition of new regions, services, and features. See Data Regions for Platform and Infrastructure Services.

Oracle GoldenGate on Oracle Cloud Marketplace simplifies the tasks of upgrading software versions or applying bundle patches.

About the Migration Scope

If you're currently using Data Integration Platform Cloud v18.4.3, you can use this guide to migrate your GoldenGate configuration created by tasks in Data Integration Platform Cloud (such as Synchronize Data and Replicate Data) to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace GoldenGate service.

This migration doesn’t require any database or application downtime. However, it does require downtime for replication tasks. The redo log reading Extract needs to be completely shutdown, after verifying there is no long running transactions. The GoldenGate Pump Extract and Replicat processes need to be completely shutdown, after they processing all the data from the trail file. For more details, see the following sections.

Data Integration Platform Cloud v18.4.3 has GoldenGate v12.3 classic architecture included. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace offers both classic and microservice architecture of GoldenGate v19.1. You are migrating to the GoldenGate v19.1 classic architecture.

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace GoldenGate service used in this guide gives you a full GoldenGate v19.1 classic architecture that runs on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute. You can choose your VCN, when provisioning the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace GoldenGate service.

Most Data Integration Platform Cloud GoldenGate use cases are Oracle Database to Oracle Database. The implementation is done through remote agent, which gives you full installation of GoldenGate v12.3 classic architecture. If you're using Data Integration Platform Cloud for replication, you usually have integrated extract and integrated replicat configured using GoldenGate credential alias to connect to the source and/or target database.

About the Migration Task Flow

Get an overview of the task that you must perform to migrate your existing Data Integration Platform Cloud v18.4.3's Oracle GoldenGate configuration created by Synchronize Data and Repilicate Data tasks in Data Integration Platform Cloud to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace GoldenGate service.

At a high level, you must perform the following tasks:
  • Pre-migration preparation phase:
    • Freeze any configuration change to the old Oracle GoldenGate environment. Minimize the DDL change to the Database where GoldenGate connects to. You can still start/stop any GoldenGate processes. Delete any unnecessary GoldenGate processes. Make sure all running GoldenGate processes are up to date, for example no stopped processes that have large LAG/Gap.
    • Provision the new Oracle GoldenGate environment through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace, choose appropriate VCN that will allow access to the source/target Database. Copy over the GoldenGate credential and wallet File, GLOBALS, and MGR.prm File. Prepare the manager and pmsrvr process.
    • Check all the network connections and Database login/GG Credential on the new GoldenGate instance to make sure that after migration, those connection string or credential alias will work correctly.
  • Migration phase:
    • Check long running transactions on the source Database, and check Lag time on GoldenGate processes
    • Stop extract gracefully after verifying no long running transactions
    • Make sure pump Extract and Replicat processes have processed all data from the trail file, stop them gracefully.
    • Copy the parameter files and checkpoint files from the old environment to new environment
    • Copy at least the last trail file that is being updated or read from the old environment to new environment
    • Restart GoldenGate processes in the new environment
  • Post-migration verification phase:
    • Verify Goldengate process are up running, no error message
    • Verify GoldenGate checkpoint is moving forward
  • Other considerations:
    • The remote agent is deployed in Oracle Cloud at Customer (OCC)
    • The remote agent is deployed at customer on premise or any third party Cloud
    • Data Integration Platform Cloud Classic, customer runs GoldenGate directly on Data Integration Platform Cloud host
    • Customized GoldenGate Configuration under remote agent
    • Miscellaneous