11 Maintain Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud

Learn maintenance techniques, troubleshooting, and frequently asked questions about Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud.

Maintain Your Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud Services

Here, you’ll learn how to find information, backup and restore, configure access rules, and delete your Data Integration Platform Cloud service instances.

Get Information About Your Service and Service Instances

View details of all your service instances.

To view information about your Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud service in a given identity domain:
  1. Log in to Oracle Cloud.
  2. Open the navigation menu in ther upper left corner, select Platform Services, and then Data Integration Platform or Data Integration Platform Classic.
  3. In the service console for Data Integration Platform, you can select an instance to view detailed information.

Configure Backup and Recovery

If you decide to use backup and recovery, then you must create a Storage Container in Oracle Storage Classic.

You can perform instance backup and recovery from your Data Integration Platform Cloud service console. To perform a backup:

  1. Select the service instance to perform a backup on, and then click Administration.

  2. From the Manage backups on this service menu, select Backup Now.


If you restore a Data Integration Platform Cloud 17.4.3 backup on a service instance that has been patched to 17.4.5, then you will not see the Data Integration Platform Cloud console in your service menu options. This is because domain data is also included in the backup process.

Delete an Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud Service Instance

You may find yourself needing to remove a Data Integration Platform Cloud service instance. For example, you can delete a service instance when you no longer need it. Here’s how you can delete a service instance.

Only a Data Integration Platform Cloud service administrator can delete a service instance.

When you delete an Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud instance,
  • Compute resources such as block storage volumes and IP addresses are removed

  • The Oracle Database Cloud Service instance isn’t deleted when you delete the service instance, only the database repository and schemas are deleted. Your account remains charged for the database service instance. You probably want to retain this database service instance for use with other service instances.

    For more information, see Deleting an Oracle Database Cloud Service Instance in Using Oracle Database Cloud Service.

  • The Oracle Storage Cloud Service container isn’t deleted. Your account remains charged for the storage container. You probably want to retain this storage container for use with other service instances.

    For more information, see Deleting Containers in Using Oracle Storage Cloud Service.

To delete an Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud service instance:

  1. In the Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud service console, locate the instance you want to delete.

  2. From the instance’s Manage this service menu, select Delete.

  3. In the Delete Instance dialog box:

    1. Select Force service deletion if you want the service to force the deletion and ignore any backend script failures.

    2. Select Force Delete without Validation if you want to delete the instance without credential validation.

    3. Enter your administrative user name and password in their respective fields.

    4. Enter true or false in the should backup be skipped field.

  4. Click Delete.

The Data Integration Platform Cloud service instance is removed from the service list.

Review Your Data Usage

Get information about the volume of data processed by your Data Integration Platform Cloud instance.

You can find the Data Usage page under the Admin area of Data Integration Platform Cloud. On this page, you select a period of time and you'll get information about the total data processed daily or how many gigabytes were processed per hour. This page is especially useful for getting information about your volume of processed data, to decide what to choose for the Data processing per hour field when you create an instance.

This read-only page gives you an aggregate overview of the volume of data processed through two charts and one table:

  • Total Data Processed

  • Daily Usage

  • Details

Total Data Processed

This section displays one number which is either the total data processed in gigabytes (GBs) or the calculated average of total data processed per hour. There is a drop-down menu on this page that allows you to toggle between these two options.

Daily Usage

This section displays a bar chart with the dates on the vertical axis and the total data processed in GBs represented as a bar for each of the days listed on the horizontal axis. The chart displays the data processed in the period of time you choose.


In this section, you get a calendar option to choose a date range with the fields From and To. Each row of this table displays the following information:

  • Date, one day of the selected range, displayed in chronological order.

  • Total Data Processed (Gb) for that day

  • Gb of Data Processed per Hour, the Total Data Processed (Gb) for that day divided by 24

Troubleshoot Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud Service

Resolve common problems and issues that may occur when you use Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud Service.

Troubleshoot Failed Jobs

The Data Integration Platform Home page displays the number of failed jobs in the Jobs section. Clicking the number enables you to view the list of failed jobs in the Jobs page, and troubleshoot it.

To troubleshoot a failed job execution:
  1. In the Data Integration Platform Home page, go to the Jobs section.

    The Jobs section displays the number of failed Jobs.

  2. Click the number.

    The Jobs page opens, displaying a list of the failed Jobs.

  3. Click the failed Job that you want to troubleshoot.

    The Job Details page opens, showing the list of actions.

    For “Initial Load using Datapump Action failed”, do the following:

    1. Click the corresponding failed status icon, to review the error message.

      The error message appears as:

      “ORA-31631: privileges are required ORA-39149: cannot link privileged user to non-privileged user”


      This error occurs, when the user is not having privileges for running the datapump action.

    2. From the left navigation bar, click Catalog.
    3. Locate the Task linked to that Failed Job name, and open it.
    4. From the Task Details page, click the Task Editor to review the Task settings.
    5. In the Task Editor, identify the database user by the Task/Job name.
    6. Go to the SQL Developer, and set the appropriate database user privileges.
    7. Go back to the Data Integration Platform, and from the left navigation bar, click Catalog.
    8. Go to the Failed Job, and click Run to start a new Job execution.

      Job execution starts with a message, “Job Synchronize Data started” displayed at the top of the screen.

      Clicking the message redirects you to the Jobs page.
    9. In the Jobs page, click Auto Refresh.

Perform a Manual Clean Up of Tasks

You may need to perform the following steps to manually clean up a replication task.

  1. From gghome, run ./ggsci, and then enter the following commands:
    info all
    stop replicat <replicat_name>
    stop extract <extract_name>
    dblogin useridalias <to source alias>
    unregister extract <extract_name> database
    delete extract <extract_name>
    dblogin useridalias <to target alias>
    delete replicat <replicat_name>
  2. Check for the diroby directory. If files still appear in this directory, delete all the files.
    You may find that the files are cleaned up after successful delete of EXTRACT and REPLICAT, so this step may not always be necessary.