Problems with Backing Up and Restoring

The following solutions apply to problems with backup and restore operations on Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service.

There is not enough space for my backup

The backup storage area does not have enough space for the backup operation to create the archive.

Do one of the following:

  • Delete any unwanted backups.

  • Archive one or more backups to another location.

I receive a message stating that there was an unexpected error during the duplicate command (ORA messages)

There may have been a restart of the database instance while the duplicate operation was running. A datafile may be marked ONLINE or being recovered.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Review the /var/opt/oracle/log/orec/orec.log file, checking for the following error messages:

    ORA-01121: cannot rename database file string - file is in use or recovery

    ORA-01110: data file string

    If you see those messages, complete the remaining steps in this section. If not, see I receive a message stating that there was an unexpected error during the duplicate command (RMAN messages).

  2. Connect to the node hosting the standby database as the opc user.

  3. Start a root-user command shell and then switch to the oracle user:

    $ sudo -s
    # su - oracle
  4. Delete the data file name specified in string in the error message:

    $ $ rm -rf filename
  5. Return to being the root user:

    $ exit
  6. Run the duplicate option of orec

    # dbaascli orec --args -duplicate -dbrole standby
  7. Exit the root-user command shell and disconnect from the compute node:

    # exit
    $ exit

I receive a message stating that there was an unexpected error during the duplicate command (RMAN messages)

The orec tool may have had a problem identifying the target instance.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Review the orec.log file, checking for the following error messages:

    RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database

    RMAN-05502: the target database must be mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE

    If you see those messages, complete the remaining steps in this section. If not, see I receive a message stating that there was an unexpected error during the duplicate command (ORA messages).

  2. Connect to the node hosting the standby database as the opc user.

  3. Start a root-user command shell and then switch to the oracle user:

    $ sudo -s
    # su - oracle
  4. Invoke SQL*Plus, connecting as the SYSDBA user:

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
  5. Shut down the database instance using the ABORT option:

    SQL> shutdown abort;
  6. Exit from SQL*Plus.

    SQL> exit
  7. Return to being the root user:

    $ exit
  8. Run the duplicate option of orec:

    # dbaascli orec --args -duplicate -dbrole standby
  9. Exit the root-user command shell and disconnect from the compute node:

    # exit
    $ exit

A backup fails with an ORA-19914 and ORA-28361

The ORA-19914: unable to encrypt backup and ORA-28361: master key not yet set errors indicate that the master encryption keys of a new PDB are not yet set. If you plugged in an encrypted PDB from another CDB and did not import the keys, see Exporting and Importing a Master Encryption Key for a PDB. If you created a new PDB and did not create and activate the master encryption key, see Creating and Activating a Master Encryption Key for a PDB.