Problems with Scaling

The following solutions apply to problems with scaling an Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service environment.

My scaling operation does not start

The system is overloaded with requests.

Wait before you try to scale again. If that doesn't work, contact Oracle Support.

My deployment is too busy to allow scaling

Your database deployment has a pending maintenance operation such as backup or patching.

Wait until maintenance has completed before you try scaling again.

After scaling the shape of my Data Guard configuration, I get an ORA-16792 warning when I check the status of the configuration

After scaling the shape of a Data Guard configuration, both the DGMGRL SHOW CONFIGURATION command and the dbaascli dataguard status command report the warning: "ORA-16792: configurable property value is inconsistent with database setting."

Perform the following steps to resolve the inconsistent setting warning:

  1. Connect as the oracle user to the compute node hosting the primary database. For detailed instructions, see Connecting to a Compute Node Through Secure Shell (SSH).

  2. Invoke DGMGRL.

    $ dgmgrl /
  3. Use the DGMGRL SHOW DATABASE command to determine which Data Guard broker property is inconsistent with the database setting.

    DGMGRL> SHOW DATABASE 'database-name' 'InconsistentProperties';

    Where database-name is the name of the primary database (SID).

    For example:

    DGMGRL> SHOW DATABASE 'ORCL' 'InconsistentProperties';
             ORCL     ArchiveLagTarget                    0                                        0
  4. Use the DGMGRL EDIT DATABASE command to reset the Data Guard broker property value, which in turn sets the value in the server parameter file (SPFILE).

    DGMGRL> EDIT DATABASE 'database-name' SET PROPERTY 'property-name'=value;
    • database-name is the name of the database (SID)

    • property-name is the name of the Data Guard broker property displayed in the output from the SHOW DATABASE command

    • value is the value displayed in MEMORY_VALUE in the output from the SHOW DATABASE command.

    For example:

    Property "ArchiveLagTarget" updated
  5. Exit from DGMGRL and close your connection to the compute node.