raccli describe job

Not Oracle Cloud InfrastructureNot Oracle Cloud at Customer This topic does not apply to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure or to Oracle Cloud at Customer.

The describe job subcommand of the raccli utility provides information about the progress and status of a long-running operation.
raccli describe job  job-id

The output of this subcommand depends on the kind of operation that the given job is.

Options of this subcommand are as follows.

Option Description


The ID of the job you want to view detailed information about.


Here is an example of the describe job subcommand. This example shows details about the backup job in the raccli create backup example.

opc@example1 ~]$ raccli describe job 7

  "requestStatus" : "SUCCESS",
  "jobStatus" : "SUCCESS",
  "message" : null,
  "response" : [ {
    "startTime" : "Thu Oct 15 18:37:38 UTC 2015",
    "endTime" : "Thu Oct 15 18:37:39 UTC 2015",
    "status" : "SUCCESS",
    "taskId" : "TaskZJsonRpcExt_6939",
    "taskResult" : "Resource {  id: 1444934258987, name: null, description: null }",
    "taskName" : "DB Config files backup",
    "taskDescription" : null
  }, {
    "startTime" : "Thu Oct 15 18:37:39 UTC 2015",
    "endTime" : "Thu Oct 15 18:38:10 UTC 2015",
    "status" : "SUCCESS",
    "taskId" : "TaskZJsonRpcExt_6941",
    "taskResult" : "Resource {  id: 1444934260034, name: null, description: null }",
    "taskName" : "Database Backup",
    "taskDescription" : null
  }, {
    "startTime" : "Thu Oct 15 18:38:11 UTC 2015",
    "endTime" : "Thu Oct 15 18:38:11 UTC 2015",
    "status" : "SUCCESS",
    "taskId" : "TaskZJsonRpcExt_6943",
    "taskResult" : "Resource {  id: 1444934291029, name: null, description: null }",
    "taskName" : "Persisting Backup metadata",
    "taskDescription" : null
  } ]
[opc@example1 ~]$