Downloading and Installing the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI

Download and install the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI on your database server.

To download and install the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI:
  1. Download the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI from Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

    Accept the license agreement, click All Supported Platforms, and provide your OTN user name and password when prompted. Then download the ZIP file that contains the installer ( to your system.

  2. Extract the contents of the zip file.

    The file contains two directories, oci_installer and opc_installer, and a README file.

  3. Run the installer, oci_install.jar, from the oci_installer directory. Provide the required parameters in one line, with each parameter preceded by a hyphen and followed by its value. For information about required parameters, see Parameters to Run the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI.

The following is an example run of the installer. This example shows how the installer automatically downloads the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI for your operating system, creates a wallet that contains Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service identifiers and credentials, creates the backup module configuration file, and downloads the library necessary for backups and restores to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

% java -jar oci_install.jar -host 
  -pvtKeyFile /oracle/dbs/oci_wallet/oci_pvt 
  -pubFingerPrint e5:10:06:b1:fb:24:ef:db:46:21:16:20:46:jk:th:35 
  -uOCID ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaasd754pijuwheaq67t7tninefkn7z7aibtusj7jqac5lpm7wm37va 
  -tOCID ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaavjhvwf4c7q2ozzyduh7njrft58i6ts3ryjk7v83w7q4wdr2ka 
  -walletDir /oracle/dbs/oci_wallet 
  -libDir /oracle/lib 
  -bucket db_backups
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module Install Tool, build 2018-12-11
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module credentials are valid.
Backups would be sent to bucket db_backups.
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module wallet created in directory /oracle/dbs/oci_wallet.
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module initialization file /oracle/dbs/opcb18test.ora created.
Downloading Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module Software Library from file
Download complete.