Files Created when Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI is Installed

After you run the installer for the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI, make sure the required files are on your system.

The following files are created when you install the backup module and they are used to perform cloud backups and restores. For information about the parameters mentioned, see Parameters to Run the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI.

File Location Purpose on Linux and UNIX systems

oraopc.dll on Windows systems

As specified for the —libDir parameter when you run the installer for the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI.

Example location:


Operating system-specific SBT library that enables cloud backups and restores with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


As specified for the —configFile parameter when you run the installer for the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI.

Default location on Linux and UNIX systems:


Default location on Windows systems:


Configuration file that contains theOracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket URL and credential wallet location, where SID is the system identifier of the Oracle database being backed up to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


As specified for the —walletDir parameter when you run the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI installer.

Example location:


Oracle wallet file that securely stores Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage credentials. This file is used during Recovery Manager (RMAN) backup and restore operations and is stored in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage wallet directory (for example, opc_wallet).