NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE is closely integrated with Oracle Developer Cloud Service (DevCS). You can create and open DevCS projects in NetBeans IDE, update files and commit them to the Git repository, create and update issues, and manage project builds.

Sign In to DevCS from the NetBeans IDE

You use the Team window to sign in to DevCS.

  1. Open the NetBeans IDE.
  2. From the Team menu, select Team Server, then Add Team Server.
  3. In the New Team Server dialog box, enter a unique name in Name and the DevCS URL in URL.
  4. Click OK.
  5. From the Window menu, select Team.
  6. In the Team window, click Click here to select project to see the list of team servers. Click Login under the DevCS team server.
  7. In the Login to Team Server dialog box, enter the user name and password, and click Login.

Use the Team Server

From the Team tab, you can access DevCS projects, create a project, search a project, access its Git repositories, issues, and builds.

Using the Configure the Gear icon menu, you can create or open a project, or logout of DevCS.

Action How To

Open the project’s dashboard

The project’s dashboard lists the recent activities and builds of the project. To open the Dashboard, in the Team tab, click Dashboard.

Open the project in the web browser

In the Team tab, click Project Web.

Create a DevCS project

Click Configure the Gear icon and select New Project. Follow the steps of the wizard to create the project.

Open a project

Click Configure the Gear icon and select Open Project. To switch to another project from an open project, you can also click the project name and select another project’s name from the list.

By default, NetBeans IDE synchronizes information from all recently selected or opened projects. If you want to synchronize information for the selected project, click the Configure Gear, select Auto Synchronize Services, and then Selected Project Only.

Create a DevCS Project in NetBeans IDE

You can create a DevCS project in NetBeans IDE and then push it to Oracle Cloud. You can also push an existing NetBeans IDE project to an empty repository of a DevCS project Git repository.

  1. Open the NetBeans IDE.
  2. From the Team menu, select Team Server, select DevCS team server, and then click New Project.
    You may also select New Project from the DevCS team server Configure Gear menu.
  3. In the Name and License page of the New Project wizard, perform these steps:
    1. In Project Name, enter a unique project name.
    2. In Description, enter a brief description of the project.
    3. In Security, select the project's privacy.
    4. In Wiki Markup, select the wiki markup language.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Source Code and Issues page of the New Project wizard, specify the directory of source code files.

    If you haven’t created an IDE project, specify the directory on your computer to use as project’s Git repository. In Local Repository Folder, click Browse and select the local directory.

    If you’ve an IDE project that you want to upload to the DevCS project, specify the IDE project’s directory. In Folders or Projects, click Add Project, browse, select the project directory, and click Open Project. If you don’t want to add an existing project or directory, leave the Folders or Projects field blank.

  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Summary page, review the information and click Finish.
  8. After the project is successfully created in DevCS, a dialog box displays a message showing the local repository location. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Open a DevCS Project in NetBeans IDE

  1. Open the project in the Team window.
    To search for a project, from the Team menu, select Team Server, select the DevCS server, and then select Open Project. You can also click ConfigureGear and select Open Project.
  2. In the open project, expand Sources and click the get link of the Git repository you want to clone.
  3. In the Get Sources from Team Server dialog box, verify the Git repository URL and click Get From Developer Server.
  4. In the Remote Repository page of the Clone Repository wizard, verify the repository URL, and click Next.
    The user name and password are automatically picked from the Team Server you’re logged into and the wizard automatically moves to the Remote Branches page. To verify the details, click Back.
  5. If required, in the Remote Branches page of the Clone Repository wizard, select branches to clone and click Next.
  6. In the Destination Directory page of the Clone Repository wizard, perform these steps:
    1. In Parent Directory, specify the directory path.
    2. In the Clone Name, enter the name of the cloned repository.
    3. In Checkout Branch, select the default branch to checkout.
    4. In Remote Name, if necessary, enter or update the remote name of the repository.
    5. If you want NetBeans IDE to scan the cloned project for any NetBeans IDE metadata, select the Scan for NetBeans Projects after Clone check box. If metadata is found, the project automatically opens in the Projects window of NetBeans IDE.
  7. Click Finish.
All cloned Git repositories are available in the Git Repository Browser. To open the Git Repository browser, from the Team menu, select Git, then Repository Browser.

Use Git in NetBeans IDE

Using the Team menu or the Git Repositories Browser, you can commit files, create and merge branches, and push changes to the hosted Git repository.

To know more information about the Git commands and actions in NetBeans IDE, refer to the NetBeans IDE Git documentation at

This table describes some common actions you can perform to manage Git repositories from the NetBeans IDE.

Action How To

View Git repositories of a project

In the Team tab, expand the Sources node.

Access branches of a cloned project Git repository

From the Team menu, select Repository, and then select Repository Browser. Expand the repository node and then the Branches node to see local and remote branches.

Checkout a branch

Expand the Branches node, right-click the branch, and select Checkout Revision.

Create a branch

Expand the Branches node, right-click the base branch, and select Create Branch. In the Create Branch dialog box, enter a branch name, configure other options, and click Create.

Add a file to index

In the Files tab, select the file. From the Team menu, select Add.

Commit files

Select the IDE project in the Files tab and then from the Team menu, select Commit. In the Commit dialog box, enter a message, verify the commit files, author and commiter, and then click Commit.

Push commits to the project’s Git repository

Select the IDE project in the Files tab. From the Team menu, select Remote, and then select Push.

Manage DevCS Issues in the NetBeans IDE

In the NetBeans IDE, you can create and update DevCS issues and search queries.

NetBeans IDE displays tasks in the Tasks tab. To open the tab, from the Window menu, select Tasks.

This table describes common actions you can perform to manage issues from the NetBeans IDE.

Action How To

View issues of the project

In the Tasks tab, expand Repositories. In the project name’s node, expand the filter to view its issues. By default, the Tasks tab displays issues of these filters:

  • All tasks

  • Assigned to me

  • Open tasks

  • Related to me

  • User-defined custom queries

Open and update an issue

In the Tasks tab, double-click the issue. The issue’s details display in a new tab of the IDE. Update the issue’s properties and click Submit.

Create an issue

In the Tasks tab, select the project node, right-click, and select Create Task. Enter the details and click Submit. The issue is automatically synchronized with the DevCS project is available to other project members.

Create a query

In the Tasks tab, select the project node, right-click, and select Create Query. In the Find Tasks tab, enter the search criteria and click Save Query.

Associate an Issue with a Commit

When you commit files, you can associate an issue with a commit.

  1. In the Tasks tab, open and update the issue that you want to associate with the commit.
  2. From the Team menu, select Commit.
  3. In the Commit dialog box, enter the commit’s message and verify the files.
  4. In the Update Task section, select the issue from the Task list.
  5. Select the desired resolution check boxes and the commit option.
  6. Click Commit.
Open the issue in DevCS and verify the SHA-1 checksum hash of the commit is now available in Commits under Associations.

Monitor a Project’s Builds in NetBeans IDE

You can view your project build jobs from the Build node in the Team tab. You can’t create, edit, or delete a job from the Team tab.

To view a particular build's details, double-click the job name in the Team tab to view its builds in the Services tab. You can also open the Services tab from the Window menu.

This table describes some common actions you can perform to manage builds from the Services tab of the NetBeans IDE.

Action How To

View jobs of the project

In the Services tab, expand the Hudson Builders node, and then expand the project node.

View builds of a job

Expand the job. The job node displays its builds along with their status.

See a build’s artifacts and console log

Expand the build node to view its artifacts. To view the console log, right-click the build node, and select Show Console. To see the SCM log, select Show Changes.

Run a build of a job

Select the job, right-click, and select Start Job.