Manage the Project

As an Oracle Developer Cloud Service (DevCS) project owner, you can perform various project-wide actions, such as edit a project’s name and description, configure the project as a project template, create announcements, set project tags, manage repositories, and configure link rules.

the project owner icon You must be assigned the project Owner role to manage a project.

Edit a Project’s Name, Description, or Visibility

After creating a project, you can edit a project's properties from the Project Administration page.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. In Name and Description, update the project name and description.
  4. In Security, update the project’s share status.

When you’re finished, use the project navigation bar to switch to another page.

Configure Project Templates

You can define an existing project as a template for new projects that users can use as a starting point. When creating a project, if a user selects a project template, the project template’s data is copied to the new project, which the user can modify.

Project template data may include its Git repositories, build job configurations, deployment configurations, links, wikis, and announcements. For example, if a project template hosts an application in its Git repositories; information on how to use the application in its wiki pages; build configuration in its jobs; and Oracle Cloud deployment target details in its deployment configurations, then the data of the project template is copied to the new project. Members of the new project can use the application, run builds of pre-configured jobs, and deploy build artifacts to Oracle Cloud using pre-configured deployment configurations without making any changes to the code or any of its configurations.

When you define a project template, you define its visibility (who can use the project template), configure rules (what data can be copied from the project template), and use variables (customize actions based on user input when the data is copied).

After a project is created using a template, any updates made to the template project aren’t reflected in the created project.

Visibility, Rules, and Variables

While defining a project template, you define its visibility, rules, and variables.


Visibility defines who can access the template.

Type Description


The project template is under design and isn’t available in the Templates page of the Create Project wizard. No user can copy data from a draft template.


The project template is published and available to organization’s users, but isn’t visible by name to all. It’s visible by name to members of the project template.

A non-member user can access the template using the project template’s private key and can copy data.


The project template is published and is available to all users of the organization.

Any user can copy data from this project.


Rules define the data to be copied to the new project.

When you define a project as a project template, all rules are enabled by default. Some rules can't be edited and some rules can’t be added more than once.

Set this rule ... To copy: Can this rule be edited? Can this rule be added more than once?

Build Jobs

Build jobs of the project template to the new project.



Wiki Content

Wiki pages of the project template to the new project.




Link rules of the project template to the new project.



Git Repository

Specified Git repositories along with its branches to the new project.



External Git Repository

Specified external Git repository along with its branches to the new project.




Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension deployment configurations of the project template to the new project.

Other deployment configurations are not copied.




Announcements of the project template to the new project.




Variables define user input. Based on the input, you can configure the template to change the action or properties of data that’s copied to the new project.

Use this variable type: To accept a:


Boolean string value (such as True-False, Yes-No, or any string values).


Value from a list of values configured by project owners.


String value.


URL value.

Define and Manage a Project Template

You can define a project template from the Project Administration page.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Properties.
Action How To

Define a project template

On the Properties page, in the Template section, click Define Template.

The project is now defined as a template project in the Draft state with the default rules.

Edit a project template

When you edit a project template, you edit the project template’s title, description, provide an icon, add variables, and define rules.

On the Properties page, in the Template section, click Edit and set the properties.

To change the name and description of the project's template, enter a new name in Name and description in Description. To specify an icon for the template, in Icon, click Change, browse and upload an image of size 48x48 pixels. The name, description, and the icon are displayed on the Templates page in the New Project wizard.

In the Variables and Rules sections, specify the variables and rules. Click Save when you're done.

Delete a project template

When you delete a project template, you delete the template metadata (rules and variables). The project itself isn’t deleted.

On the Properties page, in the Template section, click Delete Template.

Define a Private Project Template

You can define a private project template if you don’t want all users of the organization to copy data from the project. Private project templates aren’t listed by name in the Templates page of the New Project wizard unless you’re a member of the project template. Non-members can use a private project template only if they have the private key of the project template.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. In the Template section, click Define Template.
    The project is now defined to be used as a template with the default rules and properties.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. On the Template page, in the Visibility section, select Private.
  6. For the Private Key field, click Show. Note down the key value.
  7. Update settings, add variables, and define rules, as desired.
  8. Click Save.
Share the private key with users whom you want to use the project template and copy the project data.

To generate a new private key, edit the project template, click Show, and then click Regenerate. You may want to do this if you don't want users who already have the old key value to copy the project data from the template.

Define Project Template Rules

Rules define the artifacts to copy from the template project to the new project. By default, all rules are enabled to copy all project artifacts. However, you can edit or remove a rule, or add it again. Most rules can’t be edited and can be added only once, but you can edit a Git repository rule and add it more than once.

You can configure the rules from the Rules section of the Template page. To open the Template page, on the project’s Properties page, in the Template section, click Edit.

Action How To

Remove a rule

Click Remove Remove.

Add a rule

From the Add Rule drop-down list, select the Git Repository rule.

Add or Edit a Git Repository Rule

By default, all hosted and external Git repositories rules are enabled.

You can edit the default rules and add new Git Repository rules if you added Git repositories to the project after the template was defined. You can also add a rule to make a copy of an existing Git repository on the new project that uses the template. If you don't want a Git repository to be included in the template, remove its rule.

Action How To

Add or edit a hosted Git repository rule

  1. On the Properties page, in the Template section, click Edit.

  2. In the Rules section, to add the rule, click Add Rule. From the menu, select Git Repository.

    To edit an existing rule, to the right side of the Git repository rule, click Edit Edit.

  3. In Source Repository, specify the name of the Git repository to be copied.

  4. In Repository Name, specify the new name of the Git repository. A .git extension is automatically added if you missed it.

    To use the new project name as the name of the Git repository, select the Use target project name check box.

  5. If necessary, in Replacements, define file name replacements of the Git repository matching the specified criterion. This is useful if you want to make a copy of an existing Git repository.

    To add a new replacement rule, click Add new replacement.

    1. From the In drop-down list, select the files where the replacements apply.

      You can specify all files, files matching an Ant pattern, or a specific file.

    2. In Replace, specify the search term.

    3. In With, specify the replacement term.

      You can select a pre-defined variable such as Project Id, Project Name, Project URL Name, or Repository Name. To use a variable defined in the Variables section, select Variable and then select the variable name.

    4. Click Save Save.

    When you create a project using this template, the project creation wizard searches through the specified files in the Git repository and replaces the term with the specified value of the selected variables.

  6. Click Save Save to save the Git repository rule.

  7. Click Save to save the project template.

Add or edit an external Git repository rule

  1. On the Properties page, in the Template section, click Edit.

  2. In the Rules section, to add the rule, click Add Rule. From the menu, select External Repository.

    To edit an existing rule, to the right side of the Git repository rule, click Edit Edit.

  3. In Repository URL, enter the external Git repository URL. To update a rule, enter a new URL.

  4. In Username and Password, enter credentials to access the external Git repository.

    For public Git repositories, don’t fill these fields.

  5. In Repository Name, specify the new name of the Git repository. A .git extension is automatically added if you missed it.

    To use the new project name as the name of the Git repository, select the Use target project name check box.

  6. Click Save Save.

  7. Click Save.

Use Variables

You can add or edit variables from the Variables section on the Template page.

Action How To

Add a variable

  1. In the Variable section, from the Add Variable menu, select the variable type.

  2. Fill in the fields of the variable and click Save Save Changes.

Edit a variable

  1. In the Variable section, click Edit Edit icon.

  2. Update the fields of the variable and click Save Save Changes.

Delete a variable

  1. In the Variable section, to the right of the variable, click Remove Remove.

Manage Project Announcements

Project announcements are messages available on the Project Home page above the Recent Activity feed.


Announcements section on the Project Home page

To create an announcement, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Announcements.
Action How To

Create an announcement

  1. On the Announcements page, click + New Announcement.

  2. In Name and Contents, enter name and announcement’s text.

    You can use the project’s wiki markup to format the text.

  3. Upload an icon, if necessary. The icon's size must be 48x48 pixels.

  4. Click Done.

Copy an announcement

Instead of creating an announcement, you can copy the contents and icon of an existing announcement, and edit it.

  1. In the Announcements list, select the announcement to copy.

  2. Click Copy Announcement.

  3. Edit the details in the Create Announcement page.

  4. Click Done.

View or edit an announcement

  1. In the Announcements list, select the announcement.

  2. In the Announcement section to the right of the list, view or edit the announcement’s details.

Any changes made to the fields are saved immediately when the focus moves out of the field.

Deactivate or activate an announcement

If you don’t want to display an announcement and don’t want to delete it either, you can deactivate it. Deactivated announcements aren’t visible on the Project Home page. Later, if you want, you can activate it and make it visible.

  1. In the Announcements list, select the announcement.

  2. Click Deactivate or Activate.

    A deactivated announcement appears greyed in the Announcements list.

Delete an announcement

  1. In the Announcements list, select the announcement.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. In the Delete Announcement dialog box, click Yes to confirm.

Manage Project Tags

A project tag is a keyword that you can use to categorize an artifact, such as an issue or a merge request. You can use the tags to search for artifacts. By default, three tags (Plan, Release, and Epic) are available in a project.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Tags.
Action How To

Create a project tag

  1. In the Tags page, click New Tag.

  2. In Tag Name, enter a unique name and press the Enter key.

    The tag name must contain only letters and numbers.

Rename a tag

  1. In the Tags page, select the tag.

  2. Type a new name and press the Enter key.

Delete a tag

You can’t delete a tag if artifacts refer to it. First, remove all artifacts that refer to the tag or remove the tag from those artifacts, and then remove the tag.

In the Tags page, to the right side of the tag name, click DeleteDelete

View a Project’s Usage Metrics

When you subscribe to DevCS, you’re entitled to some storage space on Oracle Cloud. To learn about your storage entitlement, see the Pricing tab on

You can find out the disk usage metrics of your project’s components, such as Git repositories, wikis, and issues.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Usage Metrics.

Manage Repositories

You can manage the Git, Maven, and linked Docker registries from the Project Administration: Repositories page.

See these links to find out how to manage repositories.

Display RSS/ATOM Feeds

Some websites use ATOM and RSS feeds to publish news feeds. You can subscribe to the RSS/ATOM feeds and configure your project to display them in the Recent Activities feed of the Project Home page. All project members can see the feed. You can add any RSS/ATOM feed including Oracle approved RSS Feeds, News, Site monitors, and Jenkins or Hudson servers.

To configure RSS/ATOM feeds, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click RSS/ATOM Feeds.
Action How To

Create an RSS/ATOM Feeds handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, click + New Handler.

  2. In Name, enter the name of the handler.

  3. In URL, enter the URL of the feed.

  4. From Display Type, select the feed’s display type.

  5. In Fetch Interval, enter the feed’s fetch interval. By default, the interval is set to 1 day.

    For the fetch interval period, the feed results are cached. All requests during the interval period retrieve the cached results. When the time expires the cache is cleared. The next request would check for the cached results and not find them and proceed to fetch a new copy to be cached.

  6. Click Done.

Test a feed handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Click Test .

  3. Click Done.

If the test is successful, the status icon changes from Untested untested to Tested tested. If the test fails, the status icon changes to Failed failed.

View logs

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Click Logs.

  3. Click Done.

In the Logs page, all Request and Response logs of each test are available. Select the date-time stamp in the left list of the test to view its logs.

Edit a feed’s handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Edit the fields on the left.

  3. Click Done.

Deactivate or activate a handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Click Deactivate. The icon of the feeds handler is greyed out and the Active check box is deselected.

    To activate the feeds handler, click Activate or select the Active check box.

  3. Click Done.

Delete a handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Click Remove or Remove.

  3. In the Remove ATOM/RSS Handler dialog box, click Yes to confirm.

  4. Click Done.

Configure Link Rules

In a project, you can define rules to convert plain text to URL links automatically when the text is entered in commit comments and merge request comments. For example, when you enter an email address or a URL in a merge request comment, it’s automatically converted to a link.

To configure link rules, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear.
  2. Click Links.

From the Links page, you can create and manage link rules that convert plain text to URL links automatically. You can use Regular Expressions, also called as RegExp, to define the link rules. Some pre-defined built-in link rules are available on the Links page. To create a custom rule, you can either copy an existing link rule or create a blank rule. To find more about RegExp, see

This illustration shows an example of a custom link rule.

This illustration shows an example of the link in a merge request comment.

Action How To

Create a link rule

  1. On the Links page, click + Create Link.
  2. In Name, enter a name.
  3. In Pattern, enter the RegExp link rule pattern.
  4. In URL, enter the link URL.
    You can also use placeholders:
    • Use {project} to insert the project ID.
    • Use {organization} to insert the organization ID.
    • Use $& to insert the entire matching text, or use $1, $2, $3, and so on to insert text of matched groups. For more information, see
  5. To test the rule, expand Test and Test Value, enter a test value. Verify the result link in Test Result.
  6. Click Done.

Copy a link rule

  1. On the Links page, click + Copy Link.
  2. On the Create Link page, edit the name, RegExp link rule pattern, and the URL of the link with parameters.
    You can also use placeholders:
    • Use {project} to insert the project ID.

    • Use {organization} to insert the organization ID.

    • Use $& to insert the entire matching text, or use $1, $2, $3, and so on to insert text of matched groups. For more information, see

  3. To test the rule, expand Test and Test Value, enter a test value. Verify the result link in Test Result.
  4. To test the rule, in the Test section, click Test Value. Enter a value and verify its result in Test Result.
  5. Click Done.

Edit a link rule

You can’t edit a built-in link rule. You can create a copy of built-in rule and edit it, and if required, disable the original pre-configured rule.

On the Links page, in the link rule list on the left, select the rule to edit its details on the right.

Activate or deactivate a link rule

If deactivated, the text that matches the rule is not converted to a link.

On the Links page, in the link rule list on the left, select the rule. Click Activate or Deactivate. You can also select or deselect the Active check box.

Delete a link rule

You can’t delete a built-in rule.

On the Links page, in the link rule list on the left, select the rule. On the right side of the page, click Delete.