Use Projects

After signing in to Oracle Developer Cloud Service (DevCS), you can create a project, open a shared project, or open a project you are a member of.

Create a Project

From the Organization page, you can create an empty project, a project with a Git repository, import a project from an OCI Object Storage or an OCI Object Storage Classic container, or create a project from a template.

Empty Project

If you haven’t decided which applications you want to upload, or want to start afresh, create an empty project. An empty project is a project with no pre-configured Git repository or any other artifact.

  1. On the Organization page, click + Create Project.
  2. On the Project Details page of the New Project wizard, in Name and Description, enter a unique project name and a project description.
  3. In Security, select the project's privacy.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Template page, select Empty Project, and click Next.
  6. On the Project Properties page, from Wiki Markup, select the project’s wiki markup language.
    Project team members use the markup language to format wiki pages and comments.
  7. Click Finish.

With an Initial Git Repository

To upload application files soon after creating a project, create a project with an initial Git repository. You can choose the Git repository to be empty, populated with a readme file, or populated with data imported from another Git repository.

  1. On the Organization page, click + Create Project.
  2. On the Project Details page of the New Project wizard, in Name and Description, enter a unique project name and a project description.
  3. In Security, select the project's privacy.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Template page, select Initial Repository, and click Next.
  6. On the Project Properties page, from Wiki Markup, select the project’s wiki markup language.
    Project team members use the markup language to format wiki pages and comments.
  7. In Initial Repository, specify how to initialize the Git repository.
    • If you prefer a blank repository or want to push a local Git repository to the project, select Empty Repository.

    • Some Git clients and IDEs can’t clone an empty Git repository. Select Initialize repository with README file if you’re using such a client or an IDE. DevCS creates a file in the Git repository.

      You can edit the contents of the file after creating the project, or delete the file if you don’t want to use it.

    • To import a Git repository from another platform such as GitHub or Bitbucket, or from another project, select Import existing repository.

      In the text box, enter the URL of the external Git repository. If the repository is password protected, enter the credentials in Username and Password. Note that DevCS doesn’t store your credentials.

  8. Click Finish.

From an Exported Project

If you’ve created a project before and backed up its data to an OCI Object Storage Classic container, you can create a project and import the data from the backed up project.

To import project data from an OCI Object Storage Classic container, you need the these details:

  • Name of the target bucket
  • Name of the exported archive file
  • Private key and fingerprint of a user who has the BUCKET_INSPECT (or BUCKET_READ) and OBJECT_READ permissions of the bucket
  • Details of the compartment that hosts the bucket

After you have the required input values, import the project.

  1. On the Organization page, click + Create Project.
  2. On the Project Details page of the New Project wizard, in Name and Description, enter a unique project name and a project description.
  3. In Security, select the project's privacy.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Template page, select Import Project, and click Next.
  6. To import the project from OCI Object Storage Classic container, in Account Type, select OCI Classic. Then, enter the required details
    1. In Service ID, enter the value copied from the last part of the REST Endpoint URL field of the Service Details page.
      For example, if the value of REST Endpoint URL is, then enter Storage-demo12345678.
    2. In Username and Password, enter the credentials of the user who can access the archive file.
    3. In Authorization URL, enter the URL copied from the Auth V1 Endpoint field of the Service Details page.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Project Properties page, from Wiki Markup, select the project’s wiki markup language.
    Project team members use the markup language to format wiki pages and comments.
  9. In Container, select the container where the data was exported.
  10. In File, select the exported file.
  11. Click Finish.

If the import fails, an empty project is created. You can try to import the data again without creating a project. To check the import log, see the History tab of the Data Export/Import page under Project Settings.

From a Project Template

Using a project template, you can quickly create a project with predefined and populated artifacts such as Git repositories and build jobs. When you create a project from a project template, the defined artifacts of the project template are copied to the new project. If you don’t want to use a copied artifact, you can delete it. Note that after you create a project from a template, any updates made to the project template aren’t reflected in the created project.

These types of project templates are available.

Project Template Description

Public templates

The DevCS team creates and manages the public templates. They are available to all users across all identity domains and are marked by a Public Template label.

Shared templates

Your organization users create and manage shared templates. They are listed by name and are available to all users of the organization.

Private templates

Not listed by name to general users, but accessible only through their private keys. To create a project from a private project template, you must’ve its private key.

The templates are visible by name only to the members of the project template.

  1. On the Organization page, click + Create Project.
  2. On the Project Details page of the New Project wizard, in Name and Description, enter a unique project name and a project description.
  3. In Security, select the project's privacy.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Template page, select the project template, and click Next.
    To create a project from a private template, select Private Template, and click Next. On the Private Template Selection page, enter the private key in Private Key, and click Next.
  6. On the Project Properties page, from Wiki Markup, select the project’s wiki markup language.
    The markup language is used to format wiki pages, and comments on Issues and Merge Request pages.
  7. Click Finish.

In the new project, these artifacts are copied from the project template:

Artifacts Description

Git repositories

Defined Git repositories of the project template are copied to the new project. You can use the copied Git repositories and change their files for your use, or delete them.

In the navigation bar, click Git Git to view the copied Git repositories.

Build jobs

All build jobs of the project template are copied to the new project. You can change these jobs, create their copies, or delete them.

In the navigation bar, click Builds Builds to view the copied jobs.

Deployment configurations

All deployment configurations of the project template are copied to the new project. You can change the deployment configurations or delete them.

In the navigation bar, click Deployments Deployments to see the copied deployment configurations.

Wiki pages

All wiki pages of the project template are copied to the new project. You can change the wiki pages or delete them.

In the navigation bar, click Wiki Wiki to see the copied wiki pages.


All active project announcements of the project template are copied to the new project. You can’t edit the copied announcements as they are read-only, but you can activate or deactivate them.

In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gear, and then click Announcements to activate or deactivate them.


All link rules of the project template are copied to the new project. Link rules enable you to convert plain text to links when the text is entered in the commit and merge request comments.

In the navigation bar, click Project Administration Gearand then click Links to see the copied link rules.

From IDEs

You can create a DevCS project from JDeveloper and NetBeans IDE.

See Create a DevCS Project in JDeveloper and Create a DevCS Project in NetBeans IDE.

Open a Project

You can open a project only if you're a member or an owner, or if the project is shared. To open a project, on the Organization page, click its name. To search for a project, use the filter toggle buttons or the search box.

To quickly access a project, click Favorite the Star iconand add it to your favorites list. To see your favorite projects, click the Favorites toggle button.

If you’re invited to join a project, you’ll find the project link in the email you received when you were added to the project.

To switch to another project from an open project, click Switch Project next to the project name. From the menu, click the project name to open.

After opening the project, you land on the Project Home page.

Review a Project’s Summary

From the Project Home page, you can view a summary of the project's actions, repositories, team members, and statistics.

Action How To

Navigate between different pages of DevCS

Use the project navigation bar on the left side of the page

See your project’s software development environments

Expand Environments. Click an environment to view its service instances.

Check the latest activities of the project

Use the recent activities feed. To filter the feed, click Select activity categories the Filter icon.

See the Git, Maven, and linked Docker repositories of the project

Click the Repositories tab.

See issues and merge requests that require your attention

Click the Graphs and Statistics tab.

Know your team members

Click the Team tab.

The Project Home page remembers the last opened tab (Repository, Graphs, or Team) in the current browser session and opens it automatically next time you open the Project Home page. If you sign out or close the browser and then sign in and open the Project Home page, the Repositories tab opens by default.