Create and Configure Jobs and Pipelines Using YAML

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language that is commonly used for configuration files. To find more about YAML, see

In DevCS, you can use a YAML file (a file with .yml extension) to store a job or a pipeline configuration in any of the project's Git repositories. The build system constantly monitors the Git repositories and, when it detects a YAML file, creates or updates a job or a pipeline with the specified configuration.

Here's an example of a YAML configuration for a job:

  name: MyFirstYAMLJob
  vm-template: Basic Build VM Template
  - url: ""
    branch: master
    repo-name: origin
  - shell:
      script: "echo Build Number: $BUILD_NUMBER"
  - maven:
      goals: clean install
      pom-file: "employees-app/pom.xml"
  - artifacts:
      include: "employees-app/target/*"
    - discard-old:
        days-to-keep-build: 5
        builds-to-keep: 10
        days-to-keep-artifacts: 5
        artifacts-to-keep: 10

Learn More About Using YAML Files in DevCS

All YAML files must reside in the .ci-build directory in the root directory of any hosted Git repository's master branch. YAML files in other branches are ignored. Within the .ci-build directory on the master branch, DevCS assumes any text file ending in the extension .yml to be a YAML configuration file. Each YAML file can contain configuration data for exactly one job or one pipeline. You can have YAML files in multiple Git repositories, or use a separate Git repository to host all YAML configuration files. You cannot use an external Git repository to host YAML files. Because the configuration files are stored in Git, you can track changes made to the job's or pipeline's configuration and, if a job or a pipeline is deleted, you can use the configuration file to recreate it.

The build system constantly monitors the Git repositories of the project. When it detects an update to a file with the .yml extension in the .ci-build directory of a Git repository's master branch, it scans the file to determine if it is a job or a pipeline, and creates or updates the corresponding job or pipeline. First, it verifies whether the job or the pipeline of the same name (as in the configuration file) exists on the Builds page. If the job or the pipeline exists, it's updated. If the name of the job or pipeline has changed in the configuration file, it's renamed. If the job or the pipeline doesn't exist, it's created.

Note that jobs and pipelines created with YAML can't be edited on the Builds page. They must be edited using YAML. Similarly, jobs and pipelines created on the Builds page can't be edited using YAML.

YAML stores data as a key-value pair in the field: value format. A hyphen (-) before a field identifies it as an array or a list. It must be indented to the same level as the parent field. To indent, always use spaces, not tabs. Make sure that number of indent spaces before a field name matches the number of indented spaces in the template. YAML is sensitive to number of spaces used to indent fields. Also, the field names in a YAML file are similar to the field names in the job configuration user interface.


  name: MyFirstYAMLJob
  vm-template: Basic Build VM Template
  - url: "https://mydevcsinstance-mydomain/.../scm/employee.git"
  - shell:
      script: "echo Build Number: $BUILD_NUMBER"
  - maven:
      goals: clean install
      pom-file: "employees-app/pom.xml"

If you're editing a YAML file on your computer, always use a text editor with the UTF-8 encoding. Don't use a word processor.

Here's some additional information about YAML files to consider before you create or edit them.

  • The name field in the configuration file defines the job's or pipeline's name. If no name is specified, the build system creates a job or a pipeline with name as <repo-name>_<name>, where repo-name is the name of the Git repository where the YAML file is hosted and <name>.yml is the name of the YAML file.

    For example, if the YAML file's name is MyYAMLJob and it's hosted in the YAMLJobs Git repository, then the job's or pipeline's name would be YAMLJobs_MyYAMLJob.

    If you add the name field later, the job or the pipeline is renamed. It's access URL also changes.

  • Each job's configuration must define the vm-template field.
  • To define a string value, you may or may not use quotes. If a string value contains special characters, always enclose the value in quotes.

    Some examples of special characters are *, :, {, }, [, ], ,, &, #, ?, |, -, <, >, =, !, %, @, `.

    You may use single quotes (' ') or double quotes (" "). To include a single quote in a single quoted string, escape the single quote by prefixing it with another single quote. For example, to set Don's job in the name field, use name=Don''s job in your YAML file. To use a double quote in a double quoted string, escape the double quote with a backslash (\) character. For example, to set Don"s job in the name field, use name=Don\"s job in your YAML file. No need to escape backslashes in a single quoted string.

  • All named passwords must be specified in quotes, unless you're using a password parameter.

    Named Password example:

      - string:
          name: myUserName
          value: "don.developer"
          description: My Username
      - docker-login:
           username: $myUserName
           password: "#{PSSWD_Docker}"

    Password Parameter example:

      - string:
          name: myUserName
          value: "don.developer"
          description: My Username
        - password:
            name: myPwd
            password: #{PSSWD_Docker}
            description: Defining Build Password
        - docker-login:
             username: $myUserName
             password: $myPwd
  • If you specify a field name but don't specify a value, YAML assumes the value to be null. This can cause errors. If you don't need to define a value for a field, remove the field name.

    For example, if you don't want to define Maven goals and use the default clean install, remove the goals field. The following YAML code can cause error because goals isn't defined.

      - shell:
          script: "echo Build Number: $BUILD_NUMBER"
      - maven:
          pom-file: "employees-app/pom.xml"
  • You don't need to define all fields of the job in the YAML file, just the ones you want to configure or change the default value. Make sure you add the parent field(s) when you define a child field.


      - maven:
          pom-file: "employees-app/pom.xml"
  • To run a build of the job automatically when its Git repository is updated, use the auto field or set build-on-commit to true.

    For the current Git repository, using auto is equivalent to setting build-on-commit to true. So, don't use auto and build-on-commit: true together.

    auto example:

      name: MyFirstYAMLJob
      vm-template: Basic Build VM Template
        branch: patchset_1

    If you use auto, don't specify the Git repository URL. The job automatically tracks the Git repository where the YAML file is committed to.

    build-on-commit example:

      name: MyFirstYAMLJob
      vm-template: Basic Build VM Template
      - url: ""
        branch: patchset_1
        build-on-commit: true

    A commit when pushed to the patchset_1 branch triggers a build of the MyFirstYAMLJob job.

  • To add comments in the configuration file, use #.


      # Shell script
      - shell:
          script: "echo Build Number: $BUILD_NUMBER"
  • On the Builds page, to configure an existing job or a pipeline, click its Configure button or icon. If the job or the pipeline was created in YAML, DevCS opens the YAML file in the code editor on the Git page where you can view or edit the configuration.

REST API to Access YAML Files

You can use an API testing tool, such as Postman, or curl commands to run REST API methods. To run curl commands, download curl to your computer. You can also use the Git CLI to run curl commands.

To create the REST API URL, you need your DevCS user name and password, the base URL of your instance, the unique organization ID, and the project ID, which you can get from any of the project's Git repository URLs.

In a Git repository URL, the project's ID is located before /scm/<repo-name>.git. For example, if is the URL of a Git repository in a project, then the project's unique ID is mydevcsinstance-mydomain_my-project_123.

Validate a Job's or Pipeline's Configuration

To validate a job's or a pipeline's configuration, use the URL in the following syntax along with the local YAML file on your computer as a parameter:


Here's an example of a curl command to validate a job's configuration on a Windows computer:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary @d:/myApps/myPHPapp/.ci-build/my_yaml_job.yml -u

Here's an example of a curl command to validate a pipeline's configuration on a Windows computer:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary @d:/myApps/myPHPapp/.ci-build/my_yaml_pipeline.yml -u

Create a Job or a Pipeline Without Committing the YAML file

To create a job or a pipeline without committing its YAML file to a project Git repository, use the URL in the following syntax along with the local YAML file on your computer as a parameter:


DevCS reads the YAML job or pipeline configuration and, if no errors are detected, creates a new job or pipeline. The job or pipeline must be explicitly named in the YAML configuration. After the job is created, you can edit its configuration on the Builds page. If errors are detected, error messages are displayed and the job or pipeline is not created.

Here's an example of a curl command to create a job with a YAML file on a Windows computer:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary @d:/myApps/myPHPapp/my_PHP_yaml_job.yml -u

Create or Configure a Job Using YAML

  1. On your computer, clone the Git repository that has the YAML file, or where you want host it.
  2. Create a file with the job's YAML configuration.
  3. Save the file with the .yml extension in the .ci-build directory at the root of the cloned Git repository. Example: .ci-build/my_yaml_job.yml
  4. Validate the local YAML file. See Validate a Job's or Pipeline's Configuration.
    Resolve any errors, if reported.
  5. Commit and push the file to the project's Git repository.
  6. Open the Project Home Project Home page and in the Recent Activities Feed, verify the YAML file's notification. You'll see notifications about the YAML file and the job created.
    If there are any validation issues with the YAML file, a notification with a View Error link is displayed. Click the View Error link to review the error messages. Then, update the YAML file, and commit it again.
  7. Click the job's name to open it in the Builds page.
You can create the job configuration file online using the code editor on the Git page too.


If you create the YAML file online, you can't validate it without committing. To check any errors, commit the file, and check the notification in the Recent Activities Feed on the Project Home page.

Job's YAML Configuration Format

Here is the job's YAML configuration format with the default values. Note that fields with value "" indicates it accepts a string value, which by default is empty. "" is not a valid value for some fields, such as name, vm-template, and url. If you want to a field to use its default value, don't add the field in the YAML file.

When you configure a job, fields such as name, description, vm-template, and auto must precede groups like git, params, and steps.

  name: ""
  description: ""
  vm-template: ""          # required
  auto: false              # true implies branch: master; otherwise, set branch explicitly
    branch: mybranch
  from-job: ""             # create job as copy of another job; ignored after creation
  for-merge-request: false
  - url: ""                # required
    branch: "master"
    repo-name: "origin"
    local-git-dir: ""
    included-regions: ""
    excluded-regions: ""
    excluded-users: ""
    merge-branch: ""
    config-user-name: ""
    config-user-email: ""
    merge-from-repo: false
    merge-repo-url: ""
    prune-remote-branches: false
    skip-internal-tag: true
    clean-after-checkout: false
    update-submodules: false
    use-commit-author: false
    wipeout-workspace: false
    build-on-commit: false
  # boolean, choice, and string parameters can be specified as string values of the form - NAME=VALUE
  #   the VALUE of a boolean parameter must be true or false, e.g., - BUILD_ALL=true
  #   the VALUE of a choice parameter is a comma-separated list, e.g., - PRIORITY=NORMAL,HIGH,LOW
  #   the VALUE of a string parameter is anything else, e.g., - URL=
  # Alternatively, parameters can be specified as objects:
  - boolean:
      name: ""                # required
      value: true             # required
      description: ""
  - choice:
      name: ""                # required
      description: ""
      choices: []             # array of string value choices; at least one required
  - merge-request:
        GIT_REPO_BRANCH=""    # required
        GIT_REPO_URL=""       # required
  - password:
      name: ""                # required
      password: ""            # required - recommended to use named password reference like "#{NAME}"
      description: ""
  - string:
      name: ""                # required
      value: ""               # required
      description: ""
  - copy-artifacts:
      from-job: ""
      build-number: 1                 # requires which-build: SPECIFIC_BUILD
      artifacts-to-copy: ""
      target-dir: ""
      last-successful-fallback: false
                                      # other choices require which-build: PERMALINK
      param-name: "BUILD_SELECTOR"    # requires which-build: PARAMETER
      flatten-dirs: false
      optional: false
  - oracle-maven:
      otn-login: ""                   # required
      otn-password: ""                # required
      server-id: ""
      settings.xml: ""
  - xvfb:
      display-number: "0"
      screen-offset: "0"
      screen-dimensions: "1024x768x24"
      timeout-in-seconds: 0
      more-options: "-nolisten inet6 +extension RANDR -fp /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
      log-output: true
      shutdown-xvfb-after: true
  - ant:
      build-file: ""
      targets: ""
      properties: ""
      java-options: ""
  - bmccli:
      private-key: ""          # required
      user-ocid: ""            # required
      fingerprint: ""          # required
      tenancy: ""              # required
      region: "US_Phoenix_1"
  - docker-build:              # docker commands require vm-template with software bundle 'Docker'
      source: "DOCKERFILE"     # other choices: DOCKERTEXT, URL
      path: ""                 # file directory
      options: ""
        registry-host: ""
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
      context-root-path: ""
      docker-text: ""          # required if source: DOCKERTEXT otherwise not allowed
      context-root-url: ""     # required if source: URL otherwise not allowed
  - docker-image:
      options: ""
        registry-host: ""
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-load:
      input-file: ""           # required
  - docker-login:
      registry-host: ""
      username: ""             # required
      password: ""             # required
  - docker-push:
      options: ""
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-rmi:
      remove: "NEW"            # other options: ONE, ALL
      options: ""
      image:                   # only if remove: ONE
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-save:
      output-file:             # required
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-tag:
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-verson:
      options: ""
  - fn-build:
      build-args: ""
      work-dir: ""
      use-docker-cache: true
      verbose-output: false
      registry-host: ""
      username: ""
  - fn-bump:
      work-dir: ""
      bump: "--patch"          # other choices: "--major", "--minor"
  - fn-deploy:
      deploy-to-app: ""        # required
      build-args: ""
      work-dir: ""
      deploy-all: false
      verbose-output: false
      use-docker-cache: true
      no-version-bump: true
      do-not-push: true
      registry-host: ""
      username: ""
      api-url: ""              # required
  - fn-oci:
      compartment-id: ""       # required
      provider: ""
      passphrase: ""           # required
  - fn-push:
      work-dir: ""
      verbose: false
      registry-host: ""
      username: ""
  - fn-test:
      work-dir: ""
      verbose-output: false
      test-all-functions: false
  - fn-version: {}
  - gradle:
      use-wrapper: false
      make-executable: false                # ignored unless use-wrapper: true
      from-root-build-script-dir: false     # ignored unless use-wrapper: true
      tasks: "clean build"
      build-file: "build.gradle"
      switches: ""
      use-workspace-as-home: false
  - maven:
      goals: "clean install"
      pom-file: "pom.xml"
      private-repo: false
      private-temp-dir: false
      offline: false
      show-errors: false
      recursive: true
      profiles: ""
      properties: ""
      verbosity: NORMAL                # other choices: DEBUG, QUIET
      checksum:  NORMAL                # other choices: STRICT, LAX
      snapshot:  NORMAL                # other choices: FORCE, SUPPRESS
      projects: ""
      resume-from: ""
      fail-mode:  NORMAL               # other choices: AT_END, FAST, NEVER
      make-mode:  NONE                 # other choices: DEPENDENCIES, DEPENDENTS, BOTH
      threading: ""
      jvm-options: ""
  - nodejs:
      source: SCRIPT                   # other choice: FILE
      file: ""                         # only if source: FILE
      script: ""                       # only if source: SCRIPT
  - psmcli:
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      identity-domain: ""              # required
      region: US                       # other choice: EMEA
      output-format: JSON              # other choice: HTML
  - shell:
      script: ""
      xtrace: true
      verbose: false                   # both verbose and xtrace cannot be true
  - sqlcl:
      username: ""
      password: ""
      credentials-file: ""
      connect-string: ""
      source: SQLFILE                  # other choice: SQLTEXT
      sql-file: ""                     # only if source: SQLFILE
      sql-text: ""                     # only if source: SQLTEXT
      role: DEFAULT                    # other choices: SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSKM, SYSASM
      restriction-level: DEFAULT       # other choices: LEVEL_1, LEVEL_2, LEVEL_3, LEVEL_4
  - wercker:
      token: ""
      run-id: ""
      pipeline-id: ""
      branch: ""
      message: ""
      script: ""
      status: ""
      display-name: ""
  - artifacts:
      include: ""                     # required
      exclude: ""
      maven-artifacts: false
      include-pom: false              # ignored unless maven-artifacts: true
  - git-push:
      push-on-success: false
      merge-results: false
      tag-to-push: ""
      create-new-tag: false
      tag-remote-name: "origin"
      branch-to-push: ""
      branch-remote-name: "origin"
  - javadoc:
      javadoc-dir: "target/site/apidocs"
      retain-for-each-build: false
  - junit:
      include-junit-xml: "**/surefire-reports/*.xml"
      exclude-junit-xml: ""
      keep-long-stdio: false
      organize-by-parent: false
      fail-build-on-test-fail: false
      archive-media: true
  - discard-old:
      days-to-keep-build: 0
      builds-to-keep: 100
      days-to-keep-artifacts: 0
      artifacts-to-keep: 20
  - versions:
        java: "8"
  - git-poll:
      cron-pattern: "0/30 * * * * #Every 30 minutes"
  - periodic-build:
      cron-pattern: "0/30 * * * * #Every 30 minutes"
  - abort-after:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      fail-build: false
  - build-retry:
      build-retry-count: 5
      git-retry-count: 5
  - log-size:
      max: 50                     # megabytes
  - logger-timestamp:
      timestamp: true
  - quiet-period:
      seconds: 0

YAML Job Configuration Examples

This table shows several examples of YAML job configurations.

Job Configuration YAML Code

This configuration creates a job to run Maven goals and archive the artifacts.

  • Job Name: MyFirstYAMLJob
  • Job's Build Template: Basic Build VM Template
  • Project Git repository: employee.git
  • Maven step
    • Goals: clean install
    • POM file: employees-app/pom.xml
  • After build
    • Archived artifacts: employees-app/target/*
  name: MyFirstYAMLJob
  vm-template: Basic Build VM Template
  - url: "https://mydevcsinstance-mydomain/.../scm/employee.git"
  - maven:
      goals: clean install
      pom-file: "employees-app/pom.xml"
  - artifacts:
      include: "employees-app/target/*"

This configuration creates a job to run Docker steps that log in, build, and push an image to OCI Registry.

  • Job Name: MyDockerJob
  • Job's Build Template: Docker and Node.js Template
  • Job Description: Job to build and push a Node.js image to OCI Registry
  • Project Git Repository: NodeJSMicroDocker.git
  • Docker steps
    • Docker registry host:
    • Username: myoci/ociuser
    • Password: My123Password
    • Image name: myoci/ociuser/mynodejsimage
    • Proxy options: --build-arg https_proxy=http://my-proxy-server:80
  name: MyDockerJob
  description: Job to build and push a Node.js image to OCI Registry
  vm-template: Docker and Node.js Template
  - url: "https://mydevcsinstance-mydomain/.../scm/NodeJSMicroDocker.git"
  - docker-login:
      registry-host: ""
      username: "myoci/ociuser"
      password: My123Password    
  - docker-build:
      source: "DOCKERFILE"
      options: "--build-arg https_proxy=https://my-proxy-server:80"
         image-name: "myoci/ociuser/mynodejsimage"
         version-tag: "1.8"
         registry-host: ""
       path: "mydockerbuild/"
  - docker-push:
        registry-host: ""
        image-name: "myoci/ociuser/mynodejsimage"
        version-tag: "1.8"
  - docker-image:
        options: "--all" 

This configuration creates a job to run SQL commands and script using SQLcl.

  • Job Name: RunSQLJob
  • Job's Build Template: Basic Build VM Template
  • SQL steps
    • Username: dbuser
    • Password: My123Password
    • Connect string:
    • SQL commands:
      CD /home
      select * from Emp
    • SQL script file: sqlcl/simpleselect.sql
  name: RunSQLJob
  vm-template: Basic Build VM Template
  - sqlcl:
      username: dbuser
      password: My123Password
      connect-string: ""
      sql-text: "CD /home\nselect * from Emp"
      source: "SQLTEXT"
  - sqlcl:
      username: dbuser
      password: My123Password
      connect-string: ""
      sql-file: "sqlcl/simpleselect.sql"
      source: "SQLFILE"

This configuration creates a job to run Maven goals and archive the artifacts.

  • Job Name: MyADFApp
  • Job's Build Template: JDev and ADF Template
  • Project Git Repository: ADFApp.git
  • Run a build on a push update to the patchset_1 branch: Yes
  • Git repository branch: patchset_1
    • Files to track for changes: myapp/src/main/web/.*\.java
    • Files to ignore for changes: myapp/src/main/web/.*\.gif
    • Remove untracked files before running a build: Yes
    • Display commit’s author in the log: Yes
  • Copy artifacts from another job: ADFDependencies
    • Artifacts: adf-dependencies.war
  • Oracle Maven Repository connection:
    • OTN username:
    • OTN password: My123Password
  • Maven step
    • Goals: clean install package
    • POM file: WorkBetterFaces/pom.xml
  • After build steps
    • Artifacts to archive: WorkBetterFaces/target/*.ear
  • Other settings:
    • Java version: 7
    • Discard old builds: Yes
      • Number of builds to keep: 50
      • Number of builds to keep: 10
    • Periodic build trigger
      • Hour: 2
      • Minutes: 30
    • Build retry count: 5
    • SCM retry count: 10
    • Abort if the build is stuck: 1 hour
  name: MyADFApp
  vm-template: Basic Build VM Template
    branch: "patchset_1"
  - url: "https://mydevcsinstance-mydomain/.../scm/ADFApp.git"
    branch: patchset_1
    build-on-commit: true
    included-regions: "myapp/src/main/web/.*\\.java"
    excluded-regions: "myapp/src/main/web/.*\\.gif"
    clean-after-checkout: true
  - copy-artifacts:
      from-job: ADFDependecies
      artifacts-to-copy: adf-dependencies.war
  - oracle-maven:
      otn-login: ""
      otn-password: My123Password
  - maven:
      goals: clean install package
      pom-file: "WorkBetterFaces/pom.xml"
  - artifacts:
      include: "WorkBetterFaces/target/*.ear"
    - discard-old:
        days-to-keep-build: 50
        builds-to-keep: 10
    - versions:
          java: 7
    - git-poll:
        cron-pattern: "0/30 5 * 2 *"
    - abort-after:
        hours: 1
    - build-retry:
        build-retry-count: 5
        git-retry-count: 10

Create or Configure a Pipeline using YAML

  1. On your computer, clone the Git repository that has the YAML file, or where you want host it.
  2. Create a file with the pipeline's YAML configuration.
  3. Save the file with the .yml extension in the .ci-build directory at the root of the cloned Git repository. Example: .ci-build/my_yaml_pipeline.yml
  4. Validate the local YAML file. See Validate a Job's or Pipeline's Configuration.
    Resolve issues, if reported.
  5. Commit and push the file to the project's Git repository.
  6. Open the Project Home Project Home page and in the Recent Activities Feed, verify the YAML file's notification. You'll see notifications about the YAML file and the pipeline created.
    If there are any issues with the YAML file, a notification with a View Error link is displayed. Click the View Error link to download a JSON file with the error messages. Review them, update the YAML file, and commit it again.
  7. To view the pipeline, open the Pipelines tab on the Builds page.
    To run a build of the pipeline's jobs, click Build Build. To view its instances, click the pipeline's name. To edit its YAML configuration, click Configure Configure.

YAML Pipeline Configuration Examples

This table shows several examples of YAML pipeline configurations.

Pipeline Configuration YAML Code

In this pipeline configuration, Job 2 depends on Job 1 and runs after Job 1 completes successfully. Job 3 depends on Job 2 and runs after Job 2 completes successfully.

  • Pipeline name: My Pipeline
  • Description: YAML pipeline configuration
  • Start the pipeline if any job in the pipeline runs: Yes
  • Allow jobs in the pipeline to run independently while pipeline is running: Yes

Pipeline jobs:

  1. Job 1
  2. Job 2
  3. Job 3
  name: My Pipeline
  description: YAML pipeline configuration
  auto-start: true
  allow-external-builds: true
    - Job 1
    - Job 2
    - Job 3

In this pipeline configuration, Job 2, Job 3, and Job 4 depend on Job 1 and run in parallel after Job 1 completes successfully. Job 5 depends on Job 2, Job 3, and Job 4, and runs after all three complete successfully.

  • Pipeline name: My Pipeline
  • Start pipeline if any job of the pipeline runs: Yes

Pipeline jobs:

  1. Job 1
    • Job 2
    • Job 3
    • Job 4
  2. Job 5
  name: My Pipeline
  auto-start: true
    - Job 1
    - parallel:
      - Job 2
      - Job 3
      - Job 4
    - Job 5

In this pipeline configuration, Job 2 runs after Job 1 completes successfully. Job 3, Job 4, and Job 5 run in parallel after Job 2 completes successfully. Job 6 runs after Job 5 completes successfully. Job 7 runs after Job 6, Job 3, and Job 4 complete successfully.

Pipeline name: My Pipeline

Pipeline jobs:

  1. Job 1
  2. Job 2
    • Job 3
    • Job 4
    1. Job 5
    2. Job 6
  3. Job 7
  name: My Pipeline
    - Job 1
    - Job 2
    - parallel:
      - Job 3
      - Job 4
      - sequential:
        - Job 5
        - Job 6
    - Job 7

In this pipeline configuration, Job 2 runs after Job 1 completes successfully. Job 3 runs if Job 1 fails.

Pipeline name: My Pipeline

Pipeline jobs:

  1. Job 1

    If Job 1 completes successfully:

    1. Job 2

    If Job 1 fails:

    1. Job 3
  name: My Pipeline
    - Job 1
    - on succeed:
        - Job 2
    - on fail:
        - Job 3

In this pipeline configuration, Job 2 runs after Job 1 completes successfully. Job 3 runs if Job 1 completes successfully but fails tests or any post build action, or if Job 1 fails. Job 3 won't run if Job1 completes successfully.

Pipeline name: My Pipeline

  1. Job 1
    • (if Job 1 completes successfully) Job 2
    • (if Job 1 completes successfully, but tests or other post-processing fails) Job 3
  2. (if Job 1 fails) Job 3
    - Job 1
    - on succeed:
        - Job 2
        - on post-fail:
            - Job 3
    - on fail:
        - Job 3