List Export Tasks



Returns a list of insights export tasks along with the status for each task.


Query Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : ManagementApiExportJobDetails
Type: object
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  • Begin date of the data included in the task. Format: dd-mm-yyyy.
  • The user who created the task.
  • End date of the data included in the task. Format: dd-mm-yyyy.
  • The error message.
  • filenames
    A list of the files holding the exported data.
  • The unique ID of the task.
  • The time the task started.
  • Allowed Values: [ "EXPORT", "EXPORT_PURGE" ]
    The type of Task.
    • EXPORT: A task to export the data.
    • EXPORT_PURGE: A task to both export and purge data.
  • The name that was provided when the task was created. If a name wasn't provided then it's a generated name.
    The status of the task.
    • SUBMITTED: The task was submitted.
    • IN_PROGRESS: The task was is running, but has not completed yet.
    • PURGE_SUCCEEDED: The export and purge were successful.
    • PURGE_FAILED: The purge failed. Since purge only runs after export, this means the export succeeded.
    • EXPORT_SUCCEEDED: The export completed successfully.
    • EXPORT_FAILED: The export failed.
    • SUCCESS: This is the status for a successful delete.
    • FAILED: The task failed due to an unexpected error.
    • NO_DATA: There was no data to export. This can occur if the filters that you specified for an export resulted in no data being returned.
Nested Schema : filenames
Type: array
A list of the files holding the exported data.
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