Start Export Task



Creates and starts an asynchronous task to export a digital assistant's or skill's insights data into a ZIP file that's stored in the instance. You can filter which data to export by a digital assistant's ID, a skill's bot name and optional version, or by a bot ID. You also can filter by a date range. You also can use this operation to purge all insights data for a date range. The response includes a jobId, which you can use for the task's ID in other insights export operations.


Query Parameters
  • The unique ID that identifies a version of a skill or digital assistant to export.
  • The bot name of the skill to export. Note that you can provide a botName or a botId but not both. You can optionally use the botVersion query parameter along with this parameter.
  • The bot version of the skill to export. Use this parameter when you specify a botName and you want to retrieve a specific version.
  • The maximum number of lines to add to an exported file before starting a new file.
    Default Value: 100000000
  • The unique ID that identifies a version of a digital assistant to export. The exported file contains data for the digital assistant and its skills. Note that you can filter by digital assistant or by skill but not both.
  • A boolean flag that specifies whether to modify the personally identifiable information (PII) in the exported data. Set to true to modify all the PII text in the exported data and false to export original data. Defaults to false.
    Default Value: false
  • The start date for the data to export, inclusive. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. Defaults to 1 year before the until date.
  • The end date for the data to export, inclusive. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. Defaults to today.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Describes an insights export task.
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Describes an insights export task.
Show Source
  • Default Value: false

    A boolean flag that indicates how much data to include in the export. Set to true to include just the essential data, and false to include all data.

    You can see a description of the output when the property is set to true at Export Log Fields in Using Oracle Digital Assistant.

    When false the dialog_context is base64 encoded.

  • A user-specified name for the task. If not specified, then a name is generated.
  • Allowed Values: [ "EXPORT", "EXPORT_PURGE" ]
    The type of task to start.
    • EXPORT: Use this to start an export .
    • EXPORT_PURGE: Use this to start an export that will also purge data. You can't use this type with the botName, botId, or odaId query parameter.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : JobIdentifier
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Failed. Details are provided in the response body.
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